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Everything posted by Ulico

  1. Looks cool, but I don't really want to change how the game works, just how it looks!
  2. I know this question had probably been asked many times, but I want to know what graphical mods I should get for my 1.3 install. I've seen many great mods, but I've had lots of trouble getting them to work with the latest version. What are you guys using? Thanks for the help!
  3. Yeah, I finally got it to work this morning. We collided at about 200 m/s and they were both relatively small rockets. Thanks for everyone's help!
  4. I'm only going about 350m/s relative to my target, is that too fast?
  5. For reasons that are not relevant, I want to crash two crafts in LKO at high speeds. I'm going about this by using the same process I would to rendezvous, but instead of decreasing my relative speed when we get close, I'm increasing it. I've gotten very close, but not hit it yet. The problem is, even when it says your intercept with be 0.0 km away from your target, it's not exact enough. Are there any mods that can give me more exact information on how close an intercept will be? Thanks!
  6. Ok, so I have a couple questions: 1. I used to have this mod a while ago. I remember a lot more clouds on Kerbin. How to I make more and thicker clouds? 2. There used to be a way to add Duna sandstorms. Is there a way for me to change the color of the Duna clouds, or does another mod need to be made? Thanks!
  7. There is a mod to correct this. It's called ScreenMessageHider. Forum: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/117753-105-screenmessagehider-hides-screen-messages-when-f2-is-pressed/
  8. Thanks! I wasn't really sure where to post this question.
  9. Thanks for the help, but I need something a bit more specific. I've tried various types of loops and none seem to be working.
  10. I'm new to KOS and coding in general, so I wanted some help. I have a ship with an ion engine in LKO and want to burn out to terminal velocity. The problem is, I don't have the time to sit there and only let it burn when near periapsis. I was trying to make code so that the throttle was at 100% when near periapsis and 0% when not. I tried coding this several times without success. Please help!
  11. Here's my channel. It's not all KSP but a lot is. I haven't posted much lately but would if I had some encouragement from subs or views! Thanks! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGTqXdQz5k_rQLHEC1o89kQ
  12. Thanks, I have no idea why I haven't been using a cargo bay!
  13. I've recently dived into the world of SSTO spaceplanes. I've made multiple successful ones and went to Minmus and back with a refuel. I'm trying to go farther, so I've been experimenting with ion engines. The problem is that they need A LOT OF ELECTRIC CHARGE! I have made a spaceplane with enough DeltaV and all, but my problem I can't stop the Gigantor solar panels from blowing up from heat. No matter where I put them, they blow up. Help!
  14. I can't get this to 10 kilometers. I stay on the runway with the turbojets and rapiers and pitch up to 40 degrees with about 180 m/s. But from that point, I can't keep accelerating. I peek out at about 6k. Help!
  15. I asked a similar question earlier and don't get me wrong, I really appreciate the help I got, but I have some questions that still need to be answered. How would I check if there are any E classed asteroids in the solar system at the time (preferably untracked asteroids)? The full code would be helpful, thanks!
  16. OK, so like I said before, I'm really new to coding in general. Microsoft Visual Studio is not understanding IEnumerable<Vessel>. Am I missing a reference (I've added Assembly-CSharp.dll and UnityEngine.dll). Please Help! EDIT: Ok, I added some using System.Collections.Generic to the top and now it recognizes IEnumerable but still not asteroid (in asteroid.vessel.DiscoveryInfo.size.Value) and some other things as well.
  17. Tomf, will this find asteroids that are not being tracked?
  18. So I'm working on one of my first mods and it has to do with asteroids. My question is let's say that in the tracking station there is an unknown object (which is just an untracked asteroid). Let's say in my plugin I want to do something with all class b asteroids. How do I find out what class every asteroid in the tracking station is. Sorry if this is a confusing question, I'm a noob at plugins. If you need clarification just ask!
  19. I think the second is more of what I want. I thought they would be the same though, like pitch, yaw and roll.
  20. This is really a simple question. Is there a way for me to tell what the users key bindings are (if they are different from the default)?
  21. So I was working on my first mod, and I realized that I can't figure out how to use wheels. I've tested it out and it's not pitch, yaw or roll or any of the translation control. How can I manipulate wheels in my code? Thanks!
  22. I'm working on a mod that allows you to lock a key so you don't have to hold it down physically. For example if I press W and Insert (the key that activates the lock which I will probably change later) is will continue to pitch down until I hit the home key (again, just a key that wasn't being used by the game.) This is my goal at least. The problem is when I do this, the W key takes its main purpose and stops pitching when I let go. I've tested out other keys that are not being used and my plugin does work. How do I tell the game to use my command for a key as oppose to the default one? public void UpdateLockKeyPitchUp() { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.S) && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Insert)) FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.OnFlyByWire += LockKeyPitchUp; if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Home)) FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.OnFlyByWire -= LockKeyPitchUp; } Earlier I have this code: public void LockKeyPitchUp(FlightCtrlState state) { { state.pitch = 1; } }
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