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Everything posted by DDay2021

  1. Hmmm, at that height all 3 satellites should be able to communicate with each other and the Mun with no problems if you are using the GX-128, the only concerns that I would have would be a) the cone of the GX-128 is only .005 degrees wide, I don't know if you would get 100% coverage of Kerbin at that altitude, there may be blind spots trying to communicate with KSC. At that altitude you experience 828 seconds of nighttime and you would need almost 2400 units of battery for each GX-128. Without knowing your satellites you may be running out of power. At that altitude I would look at using EXP-VR-2T omnidirectional antennas to communicate with KSC, and possibly a smaller directional dish to communicate with the Mun. http://ryohpops.github.io/kspRemoteTechPlanner/ may help plan the Kerbin coverage. Best of luck.
  2. Alkopop, it sounds as if your system isn't quite set up correctly. All three satellites should be in communication with each other, and should be communicating with KSC, so that's 3 antenna in use, and then one more antenna should be talking to the satellite/probe at the moon. I generally use point to .... for my probe communications, i.e. point to Kerbin or point to Mun.
  3. Whether you use a Keostationary equatorial orbit or something lower the orbital period of the satellites have to be a fraction of the Kerbin day for 100% coverage, 6 hrs for however many you can use 3 hrs for 2, 2 hrs for 3, 1.5 hrs for 4 as has been discussed. The orbital height is also limited by the range of satellite to satellite communication as well as Satellite to KSC. You can also launch during the morning or evening for a polar orbit, if you keep your orbit on the terminator you can arrange it so you will not go into planetary eclipse and will reduce the number of batteries required. This also works for the Mun and Minmus, you will have 100% Kerbin reception.
  4. Nope, I've seen it with two and turning off one does correct the problem. This was occurring with a non-SAS probe body and a small SAS module.
  5. I've seen this a couple of time with both probes and craft, I select a heading on the navbal such as prograde, the ship slews to the correct heading and once it gets there it starts vibrating. It seems like it is over correcting, correcting, over correcting, correcting and repeat but a very slight correction. If you warp while this is happening you soon find your battery dead or monoprop gone or both. If I turn on heading hold, this doesn't happen, just the other settings, pro/retrograde, normal/anti-normal, anti/radial. I launched two identical ships carrying solar panel struts for my station, the first one did not show this problem, the second did. I tried returning to spaceport, and re-starting the game. I've tried toggling torque, which corrects it but it's hard to hold a heading, I've turned off gimbaling of the engines which sometimes does the trick. So, after the wall of words, is it normal to experience this phenomena?
  6. Had a buggy night, Sent the science core to my space station last night, launched, and rendezvoused in 8 minutes, two minutes later docking ports aligned pulled together and seem as if they docked. Left to go pick up my daughter, came back restarted the flight and no dock. Spent the next 45 minutes aligning, approaching, bumping ports with no dock. Checked docking ports, they are on ok, what's going on? Finally give up and EVA the two Kerbals over to the station, and rage de-orbit the science node and time warp until it hits atmosphere. As the node starts to glow, remember/ that there are two more kerbals in the hitch hiker body, why weren't they showing up in the crew window? I would've EVA'd them over too. And I just give up for the night. Wake up early this morning, launch the exact same ship and have it launched and hard docked in 30 minutes. Notice that my station batteries are rapidly losing charge. So turned off the OKS modules until I can get the "Nukler" power plant launched and docked.
  7. Without knowing what "low vision" means exactly, I'm going to assume it's a problem differentiating between the Kebal and the background object. I'm going to suggest a couple of mods: Aviation Lights: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/16925-0-90-Aviation-Lights-v3-7-%2816DEC14%29 Surface Lights: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/57778-0-24-Surface-Mounted-Stock-Alike-Lights-for-Self-Illumination You should be able to change the light colors so you can orient your Kebal to the ship, i.e., red down, green up, as well as illuminate the ship. Whatever system you come up with use it consistently. Pressing L will turn on the helmet lights of the EVA'd Kerbal. Finally you might look at a mod like http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/67641-0-23-Raise-Minimum-Ambient-Lighting-v1-0 to change the overall brightness of the scene. I hope this helps.
  8. I discovered the same issue this morning on my 2012 MBPr w/ 4GB RAM. I went to empty the trashcan which contained two mods that I deleted. I was presented with "cannot delete Navball HUD because it is in use". KSP was not running at the time, so when I checked Activity Monitor I had 3 KSP processes running with the exact same CPU time as in the OPs image. Yes I am running several mods, I will test to see if I can replicate this in a modded or in an unmodded install, by force quitting and quitting via the exit menu.
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