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  1. I did wonder if something like this might be the case, but I had really hoped not on account of the github not having been updated in over a year now :S
  2. Seems to be multiple instances of ".0.0", ",0.0" and ",0,0" in all the craft files, I should have said this is with any and all craft files, including stock craft, craft made with stock parts, and craft made with modded parts. While doing further testing of the mu importer, I did find one issue with a modded part (the science bay module from the USI Malamute Rover pack), but the error that gives does not show up with the traceback error when trying to import a craft that has the part.
  3. I'm not sure, where would I go looking for that, and how would I find it? This sounds a little more complex than the level of technicality I'm usually able to handle, but I'll give it a go.
  4. I'm unable to import anything, keep getting a traceback error: I get this same error on multiple machines. I'm using KSP version 1.2, Blender version 2.78, the latest commit to the github for this (aa2fd41 added on Oct 4, 2015) and the latest commit to github for the mu importer (d262f4d added on Oct 19, 2016). I have tested the mu importer successfully and found it to be working flawlessly. I've tried applying the UTF-8 to Latin-1 fix with no success.
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