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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I think plenty of people would be happy to do it the normal way if you ask me
  2. Have you tried making a full new Dark Multiplier world and putting the ships where they were
  3. You should link macey dean to your main channel
  4. Done with the tests or is the kraken keep on messing it up
  5. Should I expect a video in a the next 2 weeks or is there to much to test.
  6. Well as you can make the pieces stronger that can be easily solved.
  7. Depends you can change the strength and for that you should pay extra for an upgrade to a carrier so it is a little stronger.
  8. Carriers are heavy so it would take longer to go somewhere with say a fighter which doesn't make sense if it would be quicker to use a fighter then a carrier.
  9. For the quick travel Carriers need a bonus.
  10. https://www./#8enw64wb82ro3 here are two missles I made for phoenix There sub assemblies if that doesn't work try this http://www./download/zy85avxzkqcnon5/Light_Missle_Stack.craft
  11. As they say quality before quantity.
  12. Also each faction has a little bonus below in something so militaristic corp ships are cheaper scientific= extra BP peaceful= cheaper restocking (most liked) trading= BP development quicker(trade materials) Also for no atmosphere penalty it should slowly go down to like 3/4 of original cost.
  13. "we can't invest the time to count the struts and stuff. We have little free time as it is" I was thinking just adding them last so you get price before you add them
  14. I have 2 suggestions 1. tweak scale mod= lowers parts so carriers don't murder FPS and you don't need to do the 50% discount 2.Struts+Fuel lines are free= in-game description A Sewage pipe painted yellow and struts are basically the rest of the pipe (or what was hollowed) and a large corp can afford those for less then a cent.
  15. When should we expect a new vid I don't care if it is delayed i just want an estimate.
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