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Everything posted by sidewinder147

  1. I agree but i'm not talking in the debate of the mass. there is no way unless it is able to convert that light energy into matter of that mass. I was just saying that because I was bored and looked it up to see what kethane would be as a analog of to convert it into fuel oxidizer and monoprop.
  2. Im going to say this and then everyone will poke holes in it. Plus im not going to do the math to see if it will balance out. Lets say Kethane is a analog for Ammonium Nitrite NH4NO2, how ever the converters break it down, contains the component need to make Hydrazine (N2H4) as a Monoprop , LH2 for fuel an LO2 for an oxidizer. Kerbal might have the same respiratory setup humans have, inhaling Oxygen exhaling CO2. The Soil the plant is in might contain Nitrogen and have a water recycler to water the plant and recycle the transpiration from the plant. The exhaled carbon can be used to create simple sugars along with the Hydrogen in the water to sustain the plant and instead release Kethane, in this case Ammonium Nitrite, as a byproduct. Now this is still all complete non-sense but someone had to support it.
  3. I used Norton 360 Security for the last 4 years and never had a problem, plus i like all the extras it has too like reg cleaner and defrag.
  4. My Shuttle Using B9,Procedural Wings & Shuttle Engines + a bunch others.
  5. On second thought, don't name your ship after cuss words that are banned on the forum.
  6. I can Always use more shuttles. In fact this is what happened today on its first flight On landing the main engines hit the ground and the rear right landing gear exploded.
  7. Thanks For Everyone's Suggestions. A lot of Great Ideas, some funny. I'm going to Name it Pathfinder. makes it sound like a space shuttle. Now can anyone think of a way to get it to say it on the side. I would modify Textures but I have others that use the same parts so I cant do that or they will all be pathfinder.
  8. I now about the center of lift but it is not a big problem for what it is designed to do, it is designed to Launch vertically with a External Tank and Boosters, the same as how the NASA shuttle launches. I built it in order to Launch Small Landers, satellites, Station Parts, into Low Orbit I've already tested it and it works well, I just need to name it. Thanks for the tip about the center of lift and mass though.
  9. [ I have two others named Kerman and Jeb, I cant think of a name for this one, Any Ideas?
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