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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Great update. However I'm playing with Real fuels and all the parts seem to have really low volumes, some examples: -J 4m fuel tank has volume on 16kL when a 4mX2.5m tank has 19.6kL even though the j tank is clearly bigger. (25kL for j tank seems more reasonable) -the 7m j to k adapter has volume of 25kL when 7mX2.5m tank has 34.4kL (my suggestion would be 60kL for the adapter) -probably a mistake but the 6m k tank has the same volume as the 4m j tank, 16kL, 6mX2.5m tank has 29.5kL and the k fuel tank can fit 3 of those inside it so the volume should be at least 90kL So in short i would roughly double all the volumes and fix the k fuel tank to 90kL edit: My edited RF config https://www.dropbox.com/s/nsza2ijhjy34550/OPT_RF.cfg?dl=0
  2. Love the parts. Only part on my wishlist is j bicoupler into two 2.5m nodes.
  3. My point was that this mod adds realistic air breathing performance for rapier while it leaves the rocket performance at the unrealistic low stock performance, creating an engine that feels unbalanced. The REL SABRE that the rapier is supposed to represent has higher thrust in rocket mode, not the other way around The mod author has no doubt spent a lot of time for this mod and i don't want to just complain, so i end this post thanking for the awesome mod. I did solve the above issue by buffing rapiers rocket mode thrust to match the aje performance. The engine is now probably owerpowered for stock but balanced for the 10x kerbin that i'm using.
  4. Very nice mod, only issue that i have is that with this mod the rapier engine has a large performance gap between closed and open cycle modes. The engine pushes over 400kN in air-breathing mode, witch seems a little excessive for a 1.2 ton engine. when you switch to rocket mode the thrust drops to the stock 175kN and usually kills my acceleration until i get higher up in the atmosphere.
  5. Here's a skylon inspired ssto i made last October. Fully fuelled weight was around 275 tons if i remember correctly and empty weight 51.4 tons. Made to a 200km orbit just barely with 300 m/s delta-v left. Even managed to land it back to ksc.
  6. Have i encountered a bug or is there something i'm missing? When i fill for example a Rockomax x200-32 tank with liquid oxygen it has dry weight of 480kg and wet weight of 18.74 tons. When i fill it with liquid methane the weights are 448kg dry and 30.28 tons wet. Isn't liquid methane supposed to have density less than half of liquid oxygen?
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