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Everything posted by TiktaalikDreaming

  1. Yeah, that's where I'm aiming at cutting some space down. Also, some meshes have their own 1024x1024 texture when they're essentially just one colour. That said, I repacked without the source files and it's only 15MB. So I may upload that as an interrum. I have to rebuild my unity stuff because the Orion things are all from the past (or pre-Unityv5 anyway. I keep discovering how much of a n00b I was when making these parts. Anyway, a v 0.32 going up very shortly with plain old size savings based on deleting stuff that isn't used.
  2. That is also true. But it does contain a bunch of other inefficiencies as well. But yeah, those are the easy gains. :-)
  3. Thanks to @FreeThinker and @HebaruSan both putting in some work to bring this up to date, this now functions. Updated version is on spacedock right now. I took the opportunity to do a rescale of the TD edition to 64% instead of 50%. This means until I do the same to the upper stage bits mod, it'll be out of whack. But there's now a working 6.4m(10m) and 16.8m (86f) Orion drive available.
  4. OK. Updating right now to 0.31 for KSP 1.2. Confirmed working. Once I got rid of all my weird variants. So far I only have the "TD Variant" working. So that's not the original Nyrath parts, but the version where you have to add bomb loader floors and there's 3 types of payload floor. It's also rescaled to 64% for kerbals. So there isn't actually a 10m Orion available, just a 6.4m and a 16.8m (86 foot). Further work to be put into what it is that stops my other parts working. Because I'd like to be able to make the parts a bit saner (the mod is 90+MB, for only a few parts, which is nuts) without breaking stuff. https://spacedock.info/mod/149/Orion TD Edition
  5. Merged, compiled, tested, and my install is so badly broken with all sorts of garbage I can't actually tell. And I need to go out. I'll build a new install without all this other crud, and only one edition of the Orion. That last bit is probably the key.
  6. Impulse per nuke is much higher in an atmosphere. That's one of my only actual contributions to the code. :-) // add velocity float atmo = (float)(Math.Pow(((double)this.vessel.atmDensity),0.333))*12; this.aNukeRound.bombImpulse = this.aNukeRound.bombImpulse*((atmo) + 1); Based on estimates of effectiveness. At sea level, most pulse units would be a bit better than 10 times as powerful as in vacuum. So, starting with the small nukes is a good plan for surface launches. Or good old hyperedit.
  7. I agree, it seems to be disconnected from staging. There's no trigger to start the engine. RE: Pusher plate still firing after it's lost the ammo. I think the pusher plate code sums up the available pulse units and builds a table. And it does so on craft load. So as far as the game is concerned, the pulse units are stored as values attached to the pusher plate, until something calls the function to recalculate pulse units. The original was staging driven, to turn it on anyway. You could stop it with the throttle, or by disabling all the nuke feed options. Or presumably the right click menu for engines. I'm assuming the changes they made to the staging system in 1.2 has disconnected it from whatever it is it needs to be connected to.
  8. Hey, it's not restored yet. And if it gets restored, then it'll be significantly @FreeThinker and @HebaruSan that brought it back to life. My C# skillz are limited to spotting math/algorithm errors. AKA, I have no C# skillz.
  9. Ah, yep. I've DDSified the logos. I'll fix that. Thanks for the diagnosis.
  10. The warp core is clogged with cat hair.
  11. OK. Rediscovered I have no real clue what I'm doing with Github, but it's updated now. https://github.com/cerebrate/USAFOrion Don't look at my fork, it's ancient. Old Fork deleted to avoid confusion :-)
  12. The intention was, "yes, absolutely". Now that I check, it appears the answer is "not yet".
  13. Ha! No thanks dude, I want to keep our friendship. <surreptitiously looks for a way out of this room>
  14. I hope that's not a euphemism for something nasty. :-)
  15. Probably a strange collection of how KSP works. When you trigger a chute in KSP, it plays the deploy animation. In this case, it should animate the cutes going directly up. But then, without transition, the chute vector will flip to match where they would be dragged to, by air resistance. EG: If you're coming in nose forward, the chutes will fire forward, but then immediately snap around to being behind the craft. If at any stage your velocity drops to nearly zero (I'm not sure what the threshold is, maybe 1m/s) then SAS will diasable anything velocity dependent (eg, retrograde or prograde) switching to stability instead. That's not the chutes. And just to clarify, unless you have RealChutes installed, these are just new parachute models using KSP's parachute code. Apart from how much drag they create, and things like that, they should behave exactly as KSP chutes.
  16. I'm honestly not sure. I would have thought some MM config would have done the trick. They're not standard fuels, and not really expected to be switchable. But I can't really claim "that'd make it like cheating", because, well, the whole mod. Firespitter Core switcher was mostly just a texture replacer I thought. Or, I've only ever used it as a texture replacer. I'll have a look in the next few days.
  17. If you're landing on Mars, and not Duna, failed landing attempts are fairly standard. It's brown pants the whole way down. :-)
  18. That's because there are wheels "landed". I suspect there's stuff all that can be done about that short of rewriting bits of ksp.
  19. The great wheel breakage of 1.1 got to us all in some way. Wheels and legs were always picky about the component hierarchy, and that's changed, so you have to edit the part in unity and re-export. Probably edit the 3d model as well. Depending. From what @raidernick says, it sounds like this part will need a full overhaul. Which pretty much means making the part from scratch.
  20. I've now labelled this "released" and started a new thread; It's now updated to 1.0 and has an additional drive, the "EM Drive".
  21. Someone recently brought up that EM Drive, and while I know there's plenty mods doing one, I thought I should add one in using the real world figures, on the assumption it doesn't all turn out to be experimental error (which is what my money's on). So, full size, full thrust, full power use (on the assumption an 1 EC = 1 KJ). The power use is actually quite reasonable at max 80W. aka, 0.08EC/sec, especially with KSP solar cells, that's an easy appetite to satisfy. The 29 microNewtons isn't a heap of thrust. But if you watch for long enough, you'll see your orbit adjusting. And it's in "Space Opera", because, well, I'll believe it when it actually does something real. :-) It'll be in 1.0, shortly.
  22. No, it's still very much alive. It just hasn't changed recently, and I've got a bucket of other stuff happening. I am slowly going through my mods and tidying up textures (and the UV unwraps), and this should be on the list eventually. And I've been kinda waiting for Realism Overhaul to catch up, to fix that stuff up (the RO config included for this is tested in 1.1, not 1.2). And there's been a bit of "Interesting times" for me recently. Hoping that's dying off now. Stupid life.
  23. Well, I've had 0.9 (Release Candidate to use poncy terms) out for a bit, and no-one seems to have complained, so it's time to call this a release. This mod started as a way of not-quite-cheating-outright. Basically, for when most people would have been sane and just enabled the infinite fuel, I added these parts (or actually, a primitive early version of them) and still flew, and checked fuel and all that, they were just absurdly overpowered. In fact, it started with that RSS-start-on-Mars mod. Because as hard as launching from Earth, landing on Mars, taking off again, returning to Earth is. It pales to the horror of doing it the other way around. And hell, MARTIANS. But then the parts just sat there for ages. But then I thought, "wouldn't it be cool to do silly Sci-Fi grade stuff?". So I merged the old idea with some new waffle, and then added stuff, and noticed existing mods for Alcubierre drives (thanks @RoverDude) and added warp drives. I added a silly chain of resource convertion, so craft needed some work to function. And here we are. Space Opera. Available for download from https://spacedock.info/mod/1137/Space Opera Or CKAN. The mod contains the parts and resources to enable both sub-light drives and super-light drives. Plus a power generator you will want to use if you're going to use the other bits. For sub-light, the engines (and RCS) run off a resource called Handwavium; Sublight drives are either the long "interplanetary" drive (many G, be careful) or the "planetary" drive, which has a lower thrust and can be carefully throttled for things like landings. RCS is available in 3 profiles and 3 sizes. Handwavium can be either a stored resource for short journeys (aka, to another planet and back) or generated from TaurusFecalium, via a converter; For super-light drives, you will need to grab Rovrdude's Alcubierre drive. You can obviously just use his (which are smaller, so fit those pesky little craft), or use the drives from this mod, which are larger, faster, and more annoying. :-) The hyperdrives come in two flavours (so far). Both use two outriggers that I will not call nacelles. The faster, beefier one, has fixed n\outriggers, while the slightly slower one extends the outriggers when running. Now, to get the warp drives to work, you'll need some electricity and polarity field. You'll need some Negative matter to generate that polarity field. And some Quantum flux to generate the negative matter. Which you'll get from the warp core. Converters all provided. I have vague hopes of making a module that allows a part to produce a "field" to turn off acceleration (G) effects for kerbanauts. Until that distant day when inertial field generators work, I advise disabling the advanced tweak feature of G effects when using this mod. This mod now has a Kottobos review Continued from dev thread;
  24. Just "mostly dead" There's a big difference between mostly dead and all dead. Basically, I don't know how to upgrade the modules. Between the other mods, my day job, I just haven't had time to learn enough C# to even figure out what's going on. Feel free to offer mad coding skillz.
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