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The Lone Wolfling

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Everything posted by The Lone Wolfling

  1. Is there any way to have manned pods simply become uncontrollable when they run out of resources, instead of killing the crew?
  2. Note that TAC has dropped the _TAC postfix from his resources. Could you update the configs? I've done it locally. The bigger problem though is that it means that a single config file might not work for both TAL and IonCross (Resource names are the same, but different densities.)
  3. Some thoughts: More explicit installation instructions would be appreciated. Having a folder with a single folder inside named "Plugins" and no install instructions could very well end up with people putting your mod in the legacy plugins folder. It says "something went horribly wrong" if it couldn't find any plugins. It would be appreciated if you could add mod(s) from the main menu directly from spaceport links. As it is, if you have a new mod you wish to add you have to install it and then go back to the spaceport link and copy/paste it into the right folder. Similarly, if it automatically pasted your current clipboard into the text box I would appreciate it. Renaming mods would be appreciated. Could you add an option to hide a mod? The "squad" folder bugs me... It hangs at 99% downloaded for a while with larger mods. I'm assuming it's because it's extracting from the zip, but that sort of thing should generally be done in a separate thread? Regarding the "how do you know mods have changed" thing: check if a specific page title has changed. If it has, try redownloading the mod and check if it is different. Or, if you're feeling ambitious, use a binary search.
  4. Fusion reactors require power to start. Or is there some way to start a fusion reactor without a fission reactor? Seeing as it takes over 4 years for a transfer from Jool to Eeloo alone, yes, I do wish to be able to shut down a fission reactor to conserve fuel.
  5. So, I've been playing around with this mod for a while, and have a couple of comments/questions/queries/concerns. The refinery electrolysis option does not seem to respect timewarp, not even physwarp. I'm on Val, with plenty of power and space for liquidfuel, and at 1x time warp each refinery (I have two) produces 26.6mT/day, 2x 13.3mT/day, 5x 5.3mT/day, etc. I think you added an extra 1/delta-t term there. It makes it effectively useless - trying to refuel 3000 LiquedFuel at -0.12 would take 7 hours of real time. A question about waste heat: why does increased levels of waste heat not change the radiator temperature? And what does waste heat even mean? Is it the temperature of the coolant? It would be neat (although it might be too computationally inefficient) to model waste heat being radiated back to the ship from radiators. As it is, you can put a radiator in the middle of a cluster of fuel tanks and it still works to cool the ship. On nuclear reactor manual shutdowns, can you add an EVA tooltip for when the reactor is still in the decay heating phase? It was more than a little confusing when I shut down the reactor and it stopped displaying a context menu entirely. Can you add a version of a nuclear reactor (or a part that surface attaches to a nuclear reactor?) that allows you to shut it down and restart it without requiring a kerbal? (Although it would require a fair bit of electric charge to do so). As it is there's no way to use nuclear reactors in unmanned missions without having it run continuously, which bloats mass requirements. It would make sense visually for the atmospheric scoop to have a (small) integrated air intake. Or perhaps another version with the other engine model? And an inline (and radially mass-symmetric) version of the refinery would be appreciated.
  6. I have a suggestion for a workaround. It's a lot of work, and wouldn't be perfect, but it would be a step up from what you have now. If you don't have enough ElectricCharge to last 1.1s real-time, calculate the net power draw. Unfortunately, there isn't any good way to do that - the stock Module* doesn't separate "how much power will this produce" from "Add power generated to stockpile". About the best way I've found would be to (save the current power level and) temporarily add an absurdly large ElectricCharge capacity to a part, then call the update method of all "unconditional" generator modules (solar panels, RTGs, etc.) on the ship. This will give you the amount of power produced that tick. Remove the temporary capacity and revert to the amount left before the magic. Calculate the net power draw this tick (=use - production). If thenet power use won't last 1.1 seconds real-time, then don't allow warp. Personally, I think the entire resource system needs an overhaul into three phases, at least at higher timewarps. First have all parts that produce/draw resources unconditionally (as in not transforming resources) do so, ignoring storage limits (this also includes allowing negative resources temporarily.) Then have all "generators" do their transformations, but only within normal limits (only produce power if you aren't already topped up, etc.). Then clamp all resources to normal limits, and inform any unconditional resource drawers if their resource(s) are at 0. About the only time this would have issues is if you have chained resource transformers, and that isn't too too common. The logical next step would be ratios, and it would solve that problem too, as well as the recycler problem, but would be an even bigger pain. Also, still working on the IonCross configs. Not sure if I should seperate the food into the greenhouse and have the mechanical recyclers only deal with air (but have a stock of food / water), or not.
  7. Because that's intuitive. (Clarification in the OP might be nice.) Works, thanks.
  8. Is there any way to change something that another mod changes with MM? Final doesn't seem to be working for me. I'm currently overwriting the other mod's MM config file, but that seems a bit drastic. Specificially: @PART[crewCabin] { MODULE { name = IonModuleCrewSupport ION_SUPPORT_POD_RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 0.0041666667 } } RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge amount = 300 maxAmount = 300 } RESOURCE { name = Oxygen amount = 2000 maxAmount = 2000 } RESOURCE { name = CarbonDioxide amount = 0 maxAmount = 50 } } I want to get rid of all of this. (Well, not the electric charge). I tried the following: @PART[crewCabin]:Final { !MODULE[IonModuleCrewSupport] !RESOURCE[Oxygen] !RESOURCE[CarbonDioxide] } But it doesn't seem to work. Relevant KSP.log lines: [LOG 18:53:39.746] ModuleManager loading cfg patches... [LOG 18:53:39.763] Applying node IoncrossCrewSupport/ModuleManager_Squad/@PART[crewCabin] [LOG 18:53:39.766] Applying node IonTac/IT_Squad/@PART[crewCabin]:Final So it does seem to be loading it in the correct order (my first thought as to why it wasn't working), but when I launch it doesn't seem to have done the changes.
  9. Works. You may wish to disable going into timewarp if electricity is not at full - that would at least take care of the trivial cases. Also, is it this mod that's disabling high time warps?
  10. I've got a set of MM configs that vaguely work, at least to a first approximation. That being said, I'm still testing and working on it - in particular I'm still converting one part of the submod to a MM config. I'll probably push a semi-working copy out tonight or tomorrow, but no guarantees. In particular, no idea what to do about unloaded vessels. The mix of life support working on unloaded vessels, recyclers not working on unloaded vessels, and TAC silently discarding overflowing waste/CO2 is a nasty one. I might just (drastically) up the amount of CO2 / waste the recyclers can store, but that has other issues.
  11. I think that's because the people who would use the thrust balancer portion go for this mod instead. That being said, the ability to do fine-tuning of specific engines is the thing that is unique about this mod.
  12. Would people be interested in a MM IonCross -> TAC conversion pack?
  13. Oh ok. I meant a way to enable in even when the thrust balancer is off, but that is good for now. Also, if/when you get SRB support, would it be possible to add a manual override for specific engines? I've got a semi-helicopter that I've been working on, but it requires the rotor tip engines to be separately controllable - this plugin doesn't handle it well.
  14. I would assume because it's assuming the engines cannot gimble and is trying to adjust the engines to produce no pitching movement even without gimbaling. ...wait, when was that support added? Nevermind... Time to go have fun with VTOLs again. Also, a request: would it be possible to add engine Isp optimization? Where it tries for the best fuel effeciency given an overall throttle level? So, for example, if you have a craft with a NERVA and a standard rocket engine it would burn exclusively with the NERVA at low thrusts.
  15. Good to know. In that case, here is a modified version of DR that doesn't have the G-force damage. Install DR as usual, drop this DeadlyReentry.dll over the copy in the stock install, and you should be good to go. Source is DR 2.3 with line 219 removed ("CheckGeeForces();"). ialdabaoth is awesome. This is also released under CC-sharealike. If this copy gets enough downloads, I'll look at adding a configuration for it. That is all.
  16. I, for one, am aware of the distinction. That being said, I don't particularly see why the g-force damage exists in the first place. For example: the Sprint missile accelerated at 100G. 100G! G-force alone isn't an issue, ever - the issue is the actual amount of stress, and that's already covered by structural failure. If applying 1MN of force to a full fuel tank doesn't break it, than applying 1MN of force to the fuel tank when it's empty shouldn't break it either. There are some exceptions, as always, but that's true in general. Structural failure should be all that's necessary, at least for unmanned crafts. I personally would like it if a plugin started restricting controls at higher accelerations if you had kerbals on board and no probe body, but straight G-force damage just makes things annoying without adding value to the mod, or at least that's what I've found. I don't know. And I cannot find the license anywhere (don't addons require a license displayed?), so I cannot even know if there's any point in doing anything myself - I've already got a nerfed version myself, and would happily make a patch to add a configuration option for G-force damage, but don't see the point unless I know I can release it.
  17. I would prefer having a set of objective "ideas" for each mission, but have it ultimately up to the pilot of each mission as to what to do. So if Jeb is stranded on the Mun, and you have a mission to Duna, feel free to take your Duna lander and rescue Jeb with him hanging off of the rover's seat screaming for dear life.
  18. I don't suppose someone could point me in the right direction to use the parts from this pack but keeping stock-like settings? The changes to stock parts are obvious to revert, but the changes to added parts are less so...
  19. Can the G-force damage be configurable/disable-able in the next version? I've currently got a local copy with it disabled, but it is a mite tedious to have to recompile the code every time a new version comes out. Configuration files exist for a reason.
  20. May I amend my request? Going to Pol would also be fun. Ion-powered VTOL rovers are fun! Also, sounds good.
  21. That has nothing to do with what I said? I know about StretchyTanks already. What I want to be able to do is "this part has x internal space. I'll put in an ASAS for y space and z mass, but I don't need batteries for this mission, saving w mass". Or, in different terms, I want to be able to customize what goes into a part. Have each part have a maximum internal volume, and be able to choose relatively freely from there. You want RCS in this command pod? OK, but you'll need to get rid of something else to do it - if you ditch the internal reaction wheels you'll be able to fit 100 units of monopropellant in. That sort of thing. Nah. The larger batteries are actually useful now if you have a large craft - reaction control wheels are power-hungry.
  22. Seconded. I know, it was put there due to physics limitations, etc, etc. But I want to be able to disable it, knowing full well the issues with disabling it.
  23. Modular Fuel System - allows you to configure the contents of fuel tanks.
  24. I agree, sort of. As is, it requires you to either use an RTG or batteries and a solar panel, which isn't so bad. However, batteries add extra part(s), which isn't so good. Personally, I wish there was something like MFS for partmodules in the game.
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