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Everything posted by HariSeldonPlan

  1. Hello All. I am looking for some feedback on an idea for an out of game utility. (full disclosure, this is a cross post from reddit, but it has gotten buried in tons of other awesome posts, and may be better suited for this forum anyway). I am interested in something with the capabilities of ModuleManager, but outside the game. Essentially I'd like to be able to read in all of the .cfg files in the GameData directory and process their contents to gather information. I thought it might be interesting to see, for example, a listing of all parts and their module properties, or all currently configured resource types, or parts currently configured within a particular tech tree node, etc... I think this may have some uses for modders as a sort of static analysis/checking tool for ModuleManager configs. I can also see this capability driving something for more hardcore mod users to tweak parts to their liking with a personal ModuleManager cfg file. I have some skills to code this up myself, but I wanted to see if anyone out there knew if something like this actually exists. Also is this something you might find useful? Thanks!
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