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Everything posted by Lornuir

  1. Tried again with a basic RP-0 reinstall (with no mods but required ones), still having the same issues with aerodynamics. Maybe I'm wrong, but i don't think it is possible or intended to touch down Earth at about 950m/s with no additional acceleration but g. Still testing...
  2. Hello everyone! I'm writing this here not to blame RO for my issues but because RO (in its dependencies) contains almost all of my installed mods I'm having issues on reentry in Earth amosphere. My KSP version is 1.2.2, my modlist is here (it's mainly RSS-RO-RP0 and their dependencies, recommended and some of the suggested mods, plus Chatterer and RSSVE for immersion). After a buggy RP0 CKAN install, I forced myself into manual installing all of the above mods so I *think* they should be all 1.2.2 compatible since I spent an entire afternoon searching on githubs and spacedock for them. Problem is, when I launch let's say an Aerobee sounding rocket, capable of reaching 500km apoapsis (sandbox mode for test purposes) and consequently hitting the thinnest parts of the atmosphere on my way back at approx. 2500m/s, air starts to slow me down, I reach ridicolously high G-forces (console tells me 118.8G) until I touchdown terrain at what I think is my terminal velocity (300-500m/s so i presume drag is calculated right) without burning up in the process. I first thought "Hey, maybe newer heat systems are a bit too forgiving, let's try again!", so I launched an A-4 rocket using pre-built parts that I think come from Taerobee. With that rocket, after a vertical ascent, I touched down Earth at about 1000m/s and that's what is making me think that there's definitely something wrong happening. My last output log is available here , the two launches mentioned above are in there, as well as others I don't remember correctly; I'm asking for help and I apologize for my bad english and possibly posting in wrong thread
  3. I think you got the older version of textures (the ones linked on the first page), they have changed for RSS10. Delete your RSSTextures folder and download the textures from here: https://github.com/KSP-RO/RSS-Textures/releases
  4. Get the dev version of RSS here https://www.dropbox.com/s/6s2u20uo9ro2ri6/RSSv10PRE.zip?dl=0 (Kopernicus is included in the package) and the textures for it here https://github.com/KSP-RO/RSS-Textures/releases (8k version works fine at least for me running the game in opengl). Then get the dev version of RO here https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul/archive/KSP10.zip (be sure to install all the required and updated for 1.0.2 mods, you can find them in the first page of this thread) and you're good to go!
  5. I tried and downloaded precisely the 27th April commit of EVE Overhaul and everything is just fine. And beautiful, of course!
  6. I'll wait until the next stable release then Keep up the awesome work, that Venus atmo is just gorgeous!
  7. Hello everyone! I've been struggling these days to get a 0.90 ksp instance to work with Realism Overhaul but it seems i can't use this awesome pack. I've searched (almost) the entire thread for solutions, but have found none. Problem is, even following closely install instructions on the readme of pingopete on github (installing EVE without BoulderCo folder, getting DDS Loader, installing RVE and letting it overwrite the EVE config), i get a 'superglowing' effect on Earth that is completely invisible on its dark side and turns into a redd-ish corona when getting Earth against Sun in Map View. I tried editing parameters with Alt-E method, but i can't get to work the EVE manager either (debug window reports lots of red lines about various "missing methods". Other planets seems to behave normally, except for Venus that has the same red corona when viewed against the Sun. Just in case, ksp 0.90 is 32bits, EVE Overhaul is the latest for 0.90 and RVE is the 0.90 version that i found on pingopete's repository on Github. Other than that, i have also Texture Replacer (uptodate for 0.90) and Active Texture Manager (basic one and same as for TR). Any help would be really appreciated (though i understand pingopete could say "you picked a test version and moreover outdated!") and apologies for my bad english Edit: trying again with a fresh new install of RO etc etc. At least if the problem persists, i'll be able to post some imagery for you to understand what i'm experiencing! Here we go again: http://imgur.com/K8IfXeT "Earth lamp" glowing effect http://imgur.com/U7mhLjW Earth red "corona" against Sun http://imgur.com/YVhXOpy Venus seems fine http://imgur.com/ta7dF13 ...except when viewed against Sun http://imgur.com/JSzw6WF awesomeness of clouds vs (shader-related?) unnatural sky
  8. Don't know if it's worth mentioning and if it is an intended feature, but making observation of planets and transmitting them back to Kerbin completes contracts like "Transmit or recover data from space while orbiting *body*". By the way, i had one active for Jool and was not planning on sending any more probes, so when i saw it completed after a simple observation in the commodity of a Kerbin orbit i was like
  9. Just tested out after removing & reinstalling the mod: same error as above in the logs. However i think the game is actually recognizing it as a processor, since the odds against a new asteroid discovery do change from 1:100 to 1:90 ; don't know if this changes for the science part. In addition, i experience some graphics issues when looking to other planets (Kerbin is rendered perfectly) with the standard telescope; i have installed your fix for Distant Objects Enhancement and i have also Environmental Visual Enhancements and Texture Replacer along with Better Atmospheres texture pack. Maybe the "glitchy & scattering" effects on planets and moons surfaces could be related to those mods, i don't know. Thanks for your fast reply
  10. Hi guys. I'm having trouble with this awesome mod; problem is, when i try to get a picture of an asteroid with the Asteroid Camera 2, game says an error occured. I managed to get to see the log file and the lines say [Error]: [R&D]: No Experiment definition found with id Default Experiment [Log]: CactEye 2: Exception 4: An error occured producing a science report! [Log]: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at ScienceSubject..ctor (.ScienceExperiment exp, ExperimentSituations sit, .CelestialBody body, System.String biome) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ResearchAndDevelopment.GetExperimentSubject (.ScienceExperiment experiment, ExperimentSituations situation, .CelestialBody body, System.String biome) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at CactEye2.CactEyeAsteroidProcessor.DoScience (Vector3 TargetPosition, Boolean IsSmallOptics, Single FOV, UnityEngine.Texture2D Screenshot) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at CactEye2.TelescopeMenu.DrawProcessorControls () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 Don't know what could be possibly related to, but i'm pretty sure there are no mods conflicts since i checked them one by one. Additionally, the error occurs even with CactEye alone activated. Apart from this, great work with the telescopes and sorry for my English
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