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Everything posted by JebSheridan

  1. Hello! I've used this thread twice successfully before, but I'm at a bit of a loss this time. http://imgur.com/0F1JfEV - This is the screen I'm faced with when I load my save, one you're all familiar with, I'm sure. Can't change view, can't click anything, can only exit to main menu, where I can't click any menu items. Here's my persistent, I've had to use GitHub because the text is too big for Pastebin. https://gist.githubusercontent.com/anonymous/f705bde640238349009b/raw/gistfile1.txt UPDATE: I started a new Sandbox which ran just fine, closed and deleted it, then the old Sandbox with the bug was working again. No idea what caused this to solve, not looking gift horse in the mouth
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