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Everything posted by Ethanadams

  1. Granted you boil alive i wish I knew hexadecimal coding
  2. Wish granted but jeb lithobrakes on the return i wish for an igloo
  3. We should have the ability to time warp under acceleration to get rid a really long burns
  4. ÇοÃÂηγηθεί αλλά θα καÄαλήξει Ãε θάναÄο Ãα Çα Çα Çα Çα i wish for the perfect ksp stock rover
  5. Granted it has a dent in its hull that will rupture I WISH FOR A HOT WOMAN IN MY BED ------- not my wish my friends
  6. Ethanadams


    Hint hint? - - - Updated - - - ​an ear?
  7. Ethanadams


    Face paint? - - - Updated - - - Gingers souls?
  8. Ethanadams


    Is a dirty riddle? - - - Updated - - - Unicycle
  9. Ethanadams


    A clown nose or a circus or a chainsaw?
  10. Ethanadams


    The suspense is killing me - - - Updated - - - ​I need a life
  11. Ethanadams


    My mind is telling me to tell you that my guess is the Canada arm in the iss?
  12. Ethanadams


    mail man mail stuff in general
  13. Ethanadams


    Should we post another riddle while waiting for r4pt0r?
  14. There's 3 comments that means HALF LIFE 3 confirmed
  15. Ethanadams

    Portal 2

    What do you guys think of the physics based game portal P.S. imagine a portal gun in KSP
  16. Soooo should I go beat up the guy that said it would make matter float?
  17. What would happen if you could an object to absolute zero?
  18. Ethanadams


    Here's one Question: When my first is a task to a young girl of spirit, And my second confines her to finish the piece, How hard is her fate! But how great is her merit If by taking my whole she effects her release!
  19. A little closer whant me to tell you?
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