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Everything posted by Ethanadams

  1. Whvburnvwoiurvbwoirubvwojrvwpefvweiobjfb please next chapter please PLEASE
  2. My life is a lie soooo where did release the KRAKEN come from?
  3. Could a giant squid named the KRAKEN actually rip apart a frigate ship in the 1800s?
  4. I used hyper edit to get everything in place BUT not to complete the challenge is that cheating?
  5. Some say that the kraken is false that it never existed that it was all the Kerbal mistakes that caused the space program to lose countless lives and million on millions of dollars wasted on deep space flights but I Richard Kerman know different because I am stuck on bop living in the dead kraken surviving on all the broken spaceship junk in here I'm the only living kerbal the rest dead and my transponder is broken there are no working ones aboard what does that matter that I am out of electricity. But how did I get here you may ask. Well it was a flight to eeloo we Tried to pass Jool to pick up some speed and save fuel and such but then out of two were the kraken appeared floating like a majestic squid it is anything but that it wrapped its tentacles around the ship and started squeezing the ship in till every thing was flying everywhere I will admit a screamed like a little kerbal. after the rest of the ship was ripped apart the kraken swallowed the mk 1 inline cockpit with me still inside. Let me tell you the inside of the kraken is actually not that if you can get past the gut lining and all the dead kerbals inside there crashed ships all lighted by the green radioactive fuel leaking from nuclear engines. so being a good Kerman I got out of my ship and floated (still in space) when the to the center of the kraken and planted a flag there. I can tell you first hand that the kraken does not like being stabbed by a flag in its stomach. it roared and flew really fast causing all the junk in it to flyers into the side of the kraken i was nearly crushed but I got into a mk 3 shuttle just before it hit the wall. Inside the shuttle were 3 dead kerbals. The kraken flew faster and faster. Suddenly in a jarring crash we stopped.I got out of the shuttle and noticed that there was very little gravity pulling me down. Since the kraken wasn't moving I assumed that is was dead so I carefully crawled out of its mouth beak thing and when I looked at the kraken I saw that it hit the ground that one day of its eyes fell out fell out of its socket. And that is how I found out the kraken is real I'm sending this to the space program with the last of my electricity my coordinates are 68 25 48 N 116 24 E Please try to rescue me
  6. 111 when your space program goes broke crash an asteroid into it
  7. Sorry my auto correct put labor its lazor missiles
  8. I mean if a ship was traveling at extreme speeds a past a planet would it be ripped apart
  9. I used hyper edit to catch an asteroid and bring it to my launch pad but the textures won't load so it is just a black object
  10. In real life could the kraken destroy ships?
  11. How do install labor missiles it is not like the other mods will hyper edit mess with this?
  12. How do you install the labor missile mod because it dosnt work like other mods will my hyper edit interfere with it
  13. There's a rumor floating around that's theres a dead kraken in space is that true?
  14. Rule 102 do NOT summon the kraken
  15. Greetings from the territory's got ksp on Christmas so much fun
  16. I have a ship that is at the speed of light about 12 trillion miles away from the sun and when ever I load it it crashes why?
  17. Build an Orion project type ship only 2 rule no orion mods and you have t to get to 15000 m if you don't know what the Orion project was watch this video when I did this I used a lot of decouplars
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