i dont care about what microsoft does to my personall data because my train of thought is this: 1how many people have windows? 2 how many people have worse stuff on there windows than me? (almost everybody) 3 why would they care about my stuff personally? 4 what will they do with info? (probably make moar accurate adds) 5 and if any of my sensitive stuff leaked out what is my plan to keep it under control? its the same thing with email readers i DONT care about them (i never use any social media exept ksp and irc ksp) also if you do ahave sensitive matirail on your computer and you dont protect in any way its your fault
[h=2]"I am colored red, blue, and yellow and every other hue of the rainbow. I am thick and thin, short and tall, I can eat a hundred sheep in a row and still be hungry. What am I?[/h]
um no it was the fact that the title said this is a title - - - Updated - - - also here is a couple less blurry pictures https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0Bxs9CfbO1DHEfjhZMGtlTmhRUXlYVWNYYjNLWDdEZ1dvOGdLb3NRaVFHRHIwTmdabjk3ekk&usp=sharing but is it okay or not?