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Everything posted by Ethanadams

  1. Well I just take that and play it nonstop for the next 3 weeks waiter there's a round 8 contravercy in my soup
  2. https://treaties.un.org/doc/Publication/UNTS/Volume%201125/volume-1125-I-17512-English.pdf wait? Is that the Geneva convention?
  3. Banned for winning more badges then me
  4. Just around 70 more rep now (did squad get all that rep or did they just give it to themselves via moderatoring)
  5. When you played the game did you notice all the Frankln cubes died when that happened?
  6. https://treaties.un.org/doc/Publication/UNTS/Volume%201125/volume-1125-I-17512-English.pdf
  7. I fill you black my white fountain
  8. 45 fmdjdkckd your logic is cloud we are still at 91 because his post was invalid to the previous posts
  9. What happens when an unstoppable force meets a immovable object?
  10. Gosh darn will you please stop doing that it ruins the fun of the game 45 sigh
  11. 1183 you see the future and the past all jumbled into one image so you don't really see anything moving on
  12. Nope to cpu and ram intensive the user below me can't wait till the 27
  13. Here is a good one if a tree falls and nothing is around to hear it does it make a sound?
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