If you don't know what the geneva convention is there is a link to the document here https://treaties.un.org/doc/Publication/UNTS/Volume%201125/volume-1125-I-17512-English.pdf if you don't whant to read the 151 page document here's the conventions in a nutshell. it is the rules of war that everyone is meant to follow. my question is why people would follow the rules like a dictator for example if he wants to take over let's say north central and south America why would he follow the rules? I know there is a punishment for not following the rules like for anything you break a rule there is a punishment. My question is still is why would they follow the conventions rules? There's nothing stopping them like in World War Two both the axis and ally's both followed the convention mostly. this might be the wrong forums to ask this but it's been bothering me lately especially with Isis.