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Everything posted by Ethanadams

  1. are early access games worth it? depends on how close they are to completing it ex ksp 0.12 not very good ksp 0.9 very good
  2. haha one upped you http://www.windows93.net/
  3. i made this in another gif making thing called piskel (i made this a while ago dont ask about it)
  4. 46 it's not hard to mod your game to make the tank fuel instead of Xeon
  5. -999999/10 how do you have so much rep and I haven't seen you before
  6. Hitting a cow taunting the magic boulder
  7. Vector Charlie jumps kerbels very near oskskaw
  8. Pluto is not a planet or a Darwf planet it's an alien stronghold
  9. A wall the object in front of you hates you with all your guts
  10. Dang darn gosh it your ahead of me again the user below me is funny
  11. Discuss what part of it?
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