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Everything posted by Ethanadams

  1. Nope that would be creepy the user below me likes nasa
  2. Yes press the button hitler dies early buuuuuut every invention from World War Two disappears
  3. http://www.windows93.net use discuss
  4. Well now I know what happened to Richard Kerman I thing also ghost busters reference I've been slimed
  5. This isn't stupid but a guy got into a fight with me over Mars atmosphere
  6. 9/10 some one else has that same quote
  7. Neither the user below me thinks I post to much
  8. THe time people called space x stupid because they can't land a rocket on a barge
  9. A person who is disappointed of the rods from gods mods
  10. I buy a small house a used car and a job the next poster gets 10 jebs
  11. Granted peta cuts it down saying it's killing the invorment i wish wish the iss had good internet connection (I am pretty sure they do)
  12. 6/10 I just used bd armoury to get it to work
  13. Ethanadams


    Vermin like rats cockroaches baby bunnies?
  14. Granted (sigh) it's worse then sonic 06 i wish to live on the iss
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