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Everything posted by Ethanadams

  1. Doesn't all fit on my screen
  2. No pe the user below me is not an American
  3. An orange? the object to your nearest south is now purple
  4. Yep the user below me has never listened to blarsa garden party
  5. I buy a coffee i give the next poster 2345-345-345-345-345-345- usd
  6. Uf course the user below me is Canadian
  7. Nope I hate the Mac the user below me has a ferret
  8. Not a video a gif Or this one http://mrwgifs.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Excited-Seal-Tells-A-Joke-Reaction-Gif.gif
  9. My pants or my desk? the next building you see is your rocket ship
  10. 20 remarazze man the Gatling gun and shoot down all anti aircraft turrets
  11. I just reilized this like 8 hours ago after Edgas murdered the 2 other kerbali and when brain dead? Last chapter when they put that guy under anthestion or the painkiller he acted kinda very simailer to Edgas brain deadness and Edgas even said he knew pain killer does strange things to people meaning he has taken it
  12. A poster board when I was still in middle school the next thing you ingest then digest will become your next piece pie
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