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Everything posted by Ethanadams

  1. 17 soap let he two armies fight it out as much as possible
  2. 15 remeraze put some pressure onto those units
  3. 118 kill all the kerbali starting with the kermans
  4. 11 shepherd said just as he was about to kill soap roach get to the chopper
  5. No I don't whant to be stabbed press the the button get a 20 year old dog
  6. 9 tomorrow there will be no shortage of volunteers no shortage of patriots
  7. I know that picture it's from a really old movie called .......... What what is it called again?
  8. Yes I know that science isn't inherently evil but with great power comes great responsibility and just one person who hates let's say Russia and has a icbm. Russia's dead mans hand defense system would activate causing pretty much world destruction all from one person. Not from science. or how about this a single 10 megatonne nuclear device is deadanate 150 km above America causing the emp to wipeing out almost all electronics all because the missile was made (ps don't get me wrong I love space flight missiles and nuclear energy but this thought has been nagging at me for a while now)
  9. I buy a quantum computer just for ksp and other junk I spend the rest on my life
  10. 113 get bd armory and start kk3 114 dock a ship bigger than your spacestation on your space station
  11. A poster of Einstein? the object to your right is now green iron crown
  12. See when I whant to tell the time I look up at sky and get about the correct time to the half an hour who need tech?
  13. If that was to happen to me I would stay upside down then ask him why is upside down
  14. 100/100 because better space ships earlier
  15. Why live your life like sheep being herded from Shepard known as social media when instead you could make a difference in the world? and if everyone thought like that we would have bassicly nothing but stone caves and small fires because there to interested in what going on 5 caves down and not try to make everyone's life better but hey it's all about use isn't
  16. Granted but he just a Ike clone i wish for America
  17. Yes but the possible destruction of most populated area is not a good thing
  18. Call me crazy but is the invention of space flight a good thing. I know that we have gotten excellent technology out of it like cellphones and such but the main reason for rockets was in ww2 to bomb places without planes saving your country lives while costing the foes thousands and we as a world perfected it now with icbm missiles we can basically end the world with a touch of a button. So wouldn't it have been better is rockets were never invented costing is most of today's tech but saving the world from something straight out of fallout? Please have a discussion below and no fighting or going in circles and please prove me wrong about this
  19. When i posted about te phone thing i meant IT to be a joke on how naša Mađe cellphones for space.
  20. Granted only affordible for trilionars i wish for a gif
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