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Everything posted by Faelucc

  1. Quickly said, Regular Expression is a way to find patterns. As Ralathon said, Notepad++ (for example) has a regular expression mode to search/replace patterns. You don't need to know in which files you need to replace the patterns. If you use Notepad++, use "Find in files" to search and replace the patterns in all "*.cfg" (filter) files under "...\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\ASET" repertory (replace with your KSP install repertory). I did it myself, it's safe The patterns in my post are longer than the pattern given by Ralaton (\[#([0-9a-fA-F]+)\]), but : they are more accurate Ralaton's pattern isn't complete (it doesn't fix the issue if the text color can change)
  2. Hi, Unfortunately, there is some changes to do. GitHub is currently down (!!), but the changelog of RPM said that the color codes must be replaced from "[#aabbcc]" to "<color=#aabbcc>". We just need to look at a digital indicator to see the issue :). If we use regexp, it seems there is 2 things to replace in the ".cfg" files : \[(#[0-9A-Fa-f]{6}([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})?)\] by <color=\1> \[(#<=[01]:("?[0-9A-Fa-f]{6}([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})?"?;){2}"?[0-9A-Fa-f]{6}([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})?"?=>)\] by <color=\1> That's for ASET Props and ASET Avionics Packs. It seems to work fine with this modification.
  3. I have the same "problem". I think, under 1000 km, the craft IS under acceleration (or deceleration). I saw my periapsis slowly goes down (very very slowly...), maybe cause of the atmosphere? I know the wiki says the atmosphere begins at ~140 km, but it has certainly changed (at ~198 km, my ship exploded due to overheat).
  4. Hi! You don't need to use "subassembly" functionality to reproduce this bug : you only have to use the symmetry mode on a group of parts. 1/ Put any part in the middle (let's say, Mk2 Inline Cockpit ) 2/ Attach another part (hmmm Small Hardpoint ?) to one side of the Cockpit 3/ Attach a part to the Small Hardpoint (we aren't using any symmetry mode yet), a fuel tank for example... 4/ Switch to mirror symmetry mode, take the Small Hardpoint and attach it again... and we have nod a symetric "plane" 5/ Now, try to attach in mirror symmetry mode to the fuel tank... hmmm.... a fuel line? (good luck ) I've tested with a rocket fuel tank, a jet fuel tank, some structural parts... same result : can't attach anything to them using mirror symmetry mode once i've "duplicated" them this way. When you select a root part of a group of parts and use mirror symmetry mode, all the child parts doesn't switch themselves recursively to mirror symmetry mode (and still use their default symmetry mode... radial?). Yep, sound like a bug (or it's the strangest feature ever ><) Workaround: If you have this bug, re-attach each part of the group in mirror symmetry mode, root part of the group first, then his children, ect... ("recursively", as the game should do) You should avoid to build your plane by attaching the parts on one side only and using the mirror symmetry mode to duplicate them (until the bug is fixed ).
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