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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. You could do a Rescue-Rescue-Mission ans send Jeb to get them.
  2. Ok so I was tricked into thinking that the angle snap option would make the canards have zero AOA. Thanks for your answers guys !
  3. Hello, for quite some time I've been wondering if I don't get the concept of center of lift... As far as I know a plane ist balanced if the center of lift and the center of gravity match. Ideally the COL should be placed behind the COG for the plane to be inherently stable but here's the problem: Eyerytime I start building a plane with a tailplane that consists of canards the COL is extremely far behind COG even if I add fairly big main wings. It seems to me as if the lift rating of the canards was way too high for their size. Am I misunderstanding something here or does anybody else draw the same conclusions ? I appreciate every helpful answer. Pillow
  4. I EVA'd a Kerbal shortly before safely landing with a prachuted capsule, he plummeted to the ground an died. I feel sad for him...
  5. I'm trying to build a useful spacestation in LKO that holds sufficient fuel for missions that go further. Just need something that has enough fuel left to transfer over after docking maneuver...
  6. 0.18.3 (Demo) - played only a couple of hours though, then bought the full game. 0.90 - first stable orbits and successful docking maneuvers.
  7. After watching every tutorial I could find online I successfully docked two spacecraft on second attempt.
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