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Everything posted by Scoppio

  1. Post the picture of your spaceship, give the speed, acceleration and altitude where the air-flow beats the engine power. Or better, give the craft-file. Otherwise it will be REALLY hard to explain it to you. I`ve been using FAR as long as I can remember, and I had to strugle to make my stock rockets work with it (aka.: 100% of my rockets would do an unplaned disassembly when doing the gravitational turn or simply would not point straight up after lift-off). No, there isnt many things that are "badly modeled" in this mod. It is quite good modeled (if you look at the source file, it is so heavy in equations that it amazes me that the game can actually comprehend them).
  2. This seens quite normal to me. Are you "falling" during your gravitational curve right? Or going completely straight up? Its not that the "weather is pushing you down", but you have drag and lif being applied to the nose of your rocket (air pressure -> acceleration -> difference of drag against lift surface).
  3. You know that you may use imgurl without having to create account or anything like that, right? Anyway, I fail to understand your craft with this description you gave. Are you saying that you have two rocket engines for roll, and another for pitch and yaw?
  4. There is nothing wrong with physics, just with your rocket. It may be that you have a faring that gives a good body lift, or you have wings positioned in the wrong place, or you don't have a good stabilization in your rocket (fins are always good to keep it pointed in the right direction). Anyway, post us an image of the rocket you are trying to get up in orbit. It may also be a problem with the air pressure against the speed/mass/whatever of your rocket due to its acceleration.
  5. Does FAR change the behavior of landing wheels? Because I find it way more dificult to keep my airplane "stable" while taxing. It tends to drop to one side and the spring does not seen to have enough force to push it back. Without FAR, I usually don't need more than 3 landing gears for a simple jet design, but with FAR I usually end adding an extra couple of gears to the rear of the ship.
  6. Does FAR change the way landing gears behave? I get the feeling that the ship is much more unstable while landed with brakes off (and engines off), compared to a clean install, usually tipping to one side or another. Sorry for being annoing, I've seen part your contribution to this topic and the amount of work you put up on the project and I believe in your good intentios
  7. No, actually the problem is the following. This kind of passive-agressive reply has really became standard in this topic when it comes to answering people with questions and problems. For the last few pages I can see that it is very common behavior in this topic, has trough the years the kindness and willingness to help others that was present in the first pages of this topic became out of vogue? Of course that in the 500 pages that are in this topic we have the answer for each question, but this is not an excuse to reply 3 times in a roll to the same person "I know the answer but I won't give you, look it up yourself"
  8. Thanks again! Yeah, I just saw that, this is because this link is from "before" the forum was migrated... (lost all my posts, postcount, etc) The avionics is quite funny, but I need to buy more LCD screens to creathe a few avionics for me I am using the new 1.2.2 dev... working fine for me atm. I'll try with tweakable scale and procedural wings
  9. How do you build a plane without tail fins that don't sideslip?
  10. Thanks for pointing out, also, I realised I don't have to compile the dev version to use it (too much in the head right now). So, rolling back to 1.2.2 and deploying dev asap.
  11. [Kerbal_x64 and 32bits -] Wingparts lift and FAR panels missing After many attempts to get FAR to work, I decided to go to a clean STEAM install and added only the FAR, the Modular FlightIntegrator that was supplied with FAR in github release was the old 1.1.3 version instead of the newer 1.2.3 version, therefore I downloaded the newer one and installed it. Mods Installed: Module manager 2.7.5.dll ModularFlightIntegrator 1.2.3 FAR_0_15_7_2_Lanchester absolutelly nothing else Problem: FAR panels/icons do not showup, most wingparts have no lift attribute. Reproduction Steps: Open KSPx64 or 32bits. No FAR panel for configuration is available at the Space Control Base. Once in the Hangar, no FAR buttons/panel available. When building plane, wings have no lifting surface attribute. When at the runaway the airplane has no lifiing power, there are no FAR buttons. OUTPUT_LOG.txt: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vedbhcbxszwfxsp/output_log.txt?dl=0 A quick analysis showed that basically everything related to FAR could not be properly loaded System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'ferram4.FARWingInteraction' from assembly 'FerramAerospaceResearch, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. the word "FAR" has 2000+ matches in the log, all of them related to something that could not be properly loaded PLEASE ignore, I am an uber stupid idiot that cannot properly read and failed to see that this is for KSP-1.1.3 Also, I tried to compile dev version, no luck
  12. I'd like to thank you Zitronen, with your plugin I was able to create my TV-avionics. This small gadget was a central piece for me to showoff my skills and get a job as a hardware developer in a new startup!
  13. Trying desperatelly NOT to buy other 2 small televisions and 3 arduinos UNO to make an awesome simulator hardware.
  14. This is so awesome! Anyway, I won't ever be doing this kind of thing because I hate to use dangerous voltages in my rigs (I'm a electronic technician that is afraid to death of electricity!!!!) I made a movie showing my avionics working, but I don't have an internet good enough today to upload it to youtube. Right now I'm trying to make something good with the avionics.
  15. Long time ago I used to draw and write at LCD's using a C library I made (and latter I found an exact copy online) to do an 8bits parallel control of large LCD displays. They are fine, and there are those that work with I2C comm that are a little bit better to use when doing arduino projects. The RXTX ones are nice if you want to control'em directly trought the PC or if you have enough COM's around - - - Updated - - - C'mon! This is awesome! I never saw one of those working! These are the real vacum tubes or LED mockups?
  16. I take that you never saw any of the AI fighting league that are running... At this moment I'm trying to make an airplane that can actually outmanuever and win a dogfight against one of my first aircraft designs, but I'm failling miserably because the .... is too damn awesome dogfighter, being able to pull 10G's in a turn and reach Mach 1 in 10 seconds
  17. The LCD is slow, therefore it works well with a communication baud rate of 9600, the arduino and computer are fast, so the use a very fast communication speed. If you are going to communicate with the LCD using RS232 protocol (RX/TX) you need to use the RX-TX that the UNO uses to talk with the computer.. PAAAAM!!! You can't do that because it is already being used! If you are using Arduino Mega (ATMega2560) then you can open a secondary RX/TX bus to communicate with the LCD. the COM's are those serial communication ports which the arduino and the computer uses to communicate with each other, so if you want to setup the LCD to be used via RX/TX you will have trouble if you are not using the MEGA.
  18. void output() { now = millis(); controlTime = now - controlTimeOld; if (controlTime > CONTROLREFRESH){ controlTimeOld = now; controls(); } } void controls() { if (Connected) { if (digitalRead(SASPIN)) //--------- This is how you do main controls MainControls(SAS, HIGH); else MainControls(SAS, LOW); if (digitalRead(RCSPIN)) MainControls(RCS, HIGH); else MainControls(RCS, LOW); if (digitalRead(STAGEPIN)) MainControls(STAGE, HIGH); else MainControls(STAGE, LOW); if (digitalRead(ABORTPIN)) MainControls(ABORT, HIGH); else MainControls(ABORT, LOW); if (digitalRead(LIGHTPIN)) MainControls(LIGHTS, HIGH); else MainControls(LIGHTS, LOW); if (digitalRead(BRAKEPIN)) MainControls(BRAKES, HIGH); else MainControls(BRAKES, LOW); if (digitalRead(GEARPIN)) MainControls(GEAR, HIGH); else MainControls(GEAR, LOW); // if (digitalRead(CG1PIN)) //--------- This is how you do control groups // ControlGroups(1, HIGH); // else // ControlGroups(1, LOW); //This is an example of reading analog inputs to an axis, with deadband and limits CPacket.Throttle = constrain(map(analogRead(THROTTLEPIN),THROTTLEDB,1024-THROTTLEDB,0,1000),0, 1000); // This is so the LCD only gets every third packet (fixes refresh problem) if (k == 3){ UPLCD(); k=0; } else { k++; } KSPBoardSendData(details(CPacket)); } } void UPLCD() { lcd.write(254); //Calls the special command lcd.write(1); //Clears the screen lcd.print(VData.G); //Displays the Gee forces on screen } void controlsInit() { pinMode(SASPIN, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(RCSPIN, INPUT_PULLUP); // pinMode(CG1PIN, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(STAGEPIN, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(ABORTPIN, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(LIGHTPIN, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(BRAKEPIN, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(GEARPIN, INPUT_PULLUP); } void MainControls(byte n, boolean s) { if (s) CPacket.MainControls |= (1 << n); // forces nth bit of x to be 1. all other bits left alone. else CPacket.MainControls &= ~(1 << n); // forces nth bit of x to be 0. all other bits left alone. } void ControlGroups(byte n, boolean s) { if (s) CPacket.ControlGroup |= (1 << n); // forces nth bit of x to be 1. all other bits left alone. else CPacket.ControlGroup &= ~(1 << n); // forces nth bit of x to be 0. all other bits left alone. } The code probably looks messy, I'm going to clean it up once I get everything working and the Mega hooked up. Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong? I can send the logs too if you'd like, but they just say "Found on COM3" and then "No display". Thanks in advance for your help! And thanks for this awesome mod! Easy fix! You forgot to tell that the LCD is using a different COM Make sure you code FIRST the KSP-ARDU comunication and only then you setup the LCD COM. void setup() { Serial.begin(38400); InitTxPackets(); controlsInit(); //finished the setup of the KSP-ARDU COM //start and set other gizmos below this line Monitor.begin(TVSYSTEM, SCREENWIDTH, SCREENHEIGHT); Monitor.select_font(font6x8); Monitor.clear_screen(); Monitor.println(10, 10, "KERBAL CONSOLE"); Monitor.print("v 0.2"); Monitor.delay_frame(120); Monitor.clear_screen(); }
  19. Also, with the bigger buffer size the project is running really smoth! It is AWESOME to see the RT-update of my artificial horizon, Now I CAN pilot using instrumentations
  20. I need some help to understand how works the Action Groups and buttons. This is my code at my arduino that controls the action groups. if (digitalRead(BT_) { switch (pointer){ case 0: break; case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: case 9: case 10: ControlGroups( pointer, HIGH);//~bitRead(VData.ActionGroups,pointer+5)); break; case 11: MainControls(SAS, HIGH);//~bitRead(VData.ActionGroups,AGSAS)); break; case 12: MainControls(RCS, HIGH);//~bitRead(VData.ActionGroups,AGRCS)); break; case 13: MainControls(LIGHTS, HIGH);//~bitRead(VData.ActionGroups,AGLight)); break; case 14: MainControls(GEAR, HIGH);//~bitRead(VData.ActionGroups,AGGear)); break; case 15: MainControls(BRAKES, HIGH);// ~bitRead(VData.ActionGroups,AGBrakes)); break; case 16: MainControls(PRECISION, HIGH);//~precision); //precision = ~precision; break; case 17: MainControls(ABORT, HIGH);//~bitRead(VData.ActionGroups,AGAbort)); break; case 18: MainControls(STAGE, HIGH); /* if (Connected) { KSPBoardSendData(details(CPacket)); } while(digitalRead(BT_); MainControls(STAGE, LOW); /*/ break; } if (Connected) { KSPBoardSendData(details(CPacket)); } while(digitalRead(BT_); } The signal that I must send to turn ON action group 1 is a pulse or it has to stay on all the time I want ACG-1 to be on? For STAGE, I need a pulse? How long it have to be? And the PRECISION do not seen to work.
  21. Perfect! I totally forgot to check AppData/Roaming! I'll try the change today at night!
  22. I'm using IDE 1.6.5 Nope, nothing, the hardware folder has only "Tools" folder inside. I reached for some info in the web and looks like the boards information have to be downloaded from the web using the boards manager, the info is not stored where it was before in 1.0 :\ I tried to manually add the docs from the Arduino github with no success... I'll try this week to install the 1.0 arduino and run again with this modification.
  23. I can't find such thing in my arduino install. The hardware folder contains only the tools folder and one .exe inside. nothing else. I use Arduino MEGA, could you help me with it? I'm having problems with the communication freezing for 2~3 seconds every now and then.
  24. I can't believe that I won O_O GDJ, I must say, your aircraft is beautiful, the sleek design, position of the wings. The better turbo jets would have given a good boost to the manuverability of it I guess. I tried to make a mirage concept much like yours during development, but I just could not get things right.
  25. "I commend unto you the challenge of trying to show how many ways this challenge is not a challenge, but something someone came up before wenting to sleep after a crazy day"
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