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    Curious George
  1. Yeah but not only making them parralel but also placing them at the same place
  2. I can't find a way to make the mod work in 1.3 (maybe because it's meant to be working in 1.3) i have the parts but i can't acces the menu to modify theses parts.
  3. Is there a way to stick a line on a line of the grid.
  4. I'm not an expert but i've only installed blizzy's toolbar and it works perfectly
  5. Indeed Blizzy's toolbar wasn't installed (well it wasn't updated), so it works fine now. But i have one question : What does the fixed body button because when i activate it, it shows a really weird trajectory.
  6. I already reinstalled it, but actually i was wrong this mod works a bit: the trajectories are only predicted when there's an atmosphere (well i only tested with kerbin and minmus) and i still don't have the icon appearing on the top right corner
  7. Hi, i have a problem with the mod, while i'm playing it's like i haven't installed it, there isn't the preticted trajectories and i don't have the icon on the top right tab.
  8. Thanks a lot blowfish, you're amazing
  9. Here's the link to my outpout log https://www.dropbox.com/s/u28u5m1hqn4nysi/output_log.txt?dl=0 I'm not sure but i think is because i've installed the Near Future Propulsion Mod (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/47786-12-near-future-technologies-oct-26-bugfix-updates/)
  10. Hey, i can't have acces to some parts like the cockpits and i can't change the fuel tanks for the parts which are in the structural tab Can somebody help me? Thanks
  11. How can i expand the editor window because i can't see the othr options on right side ( like locking the sevo ). And i can't use the strut grappler properly (actually i can't use it at all).
  12. Hi, It's a great mod but i don't how i can save or load any of my sequences, if somebody could help me EDIT: Nevermind it work
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