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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Really glad you followed the not moving kerbol system logic from the fix i posted a while ago. it was the first thing i noticed in the config and glad you went went this route because it opens up the that black hole aspect! two thumbs up for following through!
  2. I'm glad to see my fix has worked for at least one person, i have found a quite stable galaxy configuration with 44 Stars 32 Planets 58 Moons 24 Asteroids 158 Total not to much overhead of stars and still quite a lot of planets. This is my exact galaxy file if anyone is interested in looking through it so see exactly what changes I made to the configuration of the sun involving returning the semimajor axis to 1 to relocate it to it's original spot, and removing the kerbol system planet relocations to remove the graphical glitching. :] GALAXY: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ig10leaj6bxeys9/AABkYzZ-cOrzXcHUZlMXtL64a?dl=0
  3. The reason for the KSC disappearing act is purely because it relocates kerbol and kerbin, It doesn't like to be moved with kopernicus. The only work around I've managed is removing this @Body[Moho] { @Orbit { @referenceBody = Kerbol } } @Body[Eve] { @Orbit { @referenceBody = Kerbol } } @Body[Kerbin] { @Orbit { @referenceBody = Kerbol } } @Body[Duna] { @Orbit { @referenceBody = Kerbol } } @Body[Dres] { @Orbit { @referenceBody = Kerbol } } @Body[Jool] { @Orbit { @referenceBody = Kerbol } } @Body[Eeloo] { @Orbit { @referenceBody = Kerbol } } and setting kerbol's semimajor axis to 1, this way planets end up back where they belong and no more KSC bugging out. the infinite load screen is something wrong in the generated file like an off value or something, just generate a new one till you get one that works
  4. i'm getting the same thing stuck on that as well, anyone have any ideas why it would stop loading that part? i can' t see anything obviously out of place in the file. i have KIS been using and have been waiting for KAS to update EDIT: just saw KIS was updated too >.<
  5. AHHH omg it was bugging me so much i could not figure out why it wasn't working.. properly at least. ok i'm very new at this, where do you see which version it is? - - - Updated - - - i think the firespitter verion from "Ramerren" on github fixed it , im' not sure exactly if it's in the release dll or not though. and if you check out the link zorbaq posted (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/...=1#post1708978) the latest mks version of firespitter might have the issure fixed as well. but here is a link to the most updated and fixed .dll from ramerren that should fix the issue without editing your config file https://github.com/Ramarren/Firespitter/tree/master/For%20release/Firespitter/Plugins thirdly this was shown to me as a much more elegant way to what i was doing Code: @PART[SomePartName] { !RESOURCE[LiquidFuel] {} !RESOURCE[Oxidizer] {} MODULE { name = FSFuelSwitch ...
  6. i'm not sure if it's just my setup, if i'm getting some interference from some other mod, but to get the fuel switch to work like you intended i had to do this to each tank to prevent it from reloading the original values of the tank + the setup chosen [SIZE=1]@PART[fuelTank3-2][/SIZE][SIZE=1]{[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]RESOURCE[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]{[/SIZE] [SIZE=1] !name = LiquidFuel[/SIZE] [SIZE=1] !amount = 2880[/SIZE] [SIZE=1] !maxAmount = 2880[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]}[/SIZE] [SIZE=1] [/SIZE] [SIZE=1]RESOURCE[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]{[/SIZE] [SIZE=1] !name = Oxidizer[/SIZE] [SIZE=1] !amount = 3520[/SIZE] [SIZE=1] !maxAmount = 3520[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]}[/SIZE] [SIZE=1] MODULE[/SIZE] [SIZE=1] {[/SIZE] [SIZE=1] [/SIZE] [SIZE=1] name = FSfuelSwitch[/SIZE] [SIZE=1] resourceNames = LiquidFuel,Oxidizer;LiquidFuel;Oxidizer[/SIZE] [SIZE=1] resourceAmounts = 2880,3520;5760;7040[/SIZE] [SIZE=1] basePartMass =4[/SIZE] [SIZE=1] //tankMass = 0;0;0[/SIZE] [SIZE=1] //tankCost =0;0;0[/SIZE] [SIZE=1] displayCurrentTankCost = false[/SIZE] [SIZE=1] hasGUI = true[/SIZE] [SIZE=1] availableInFlight = false[/SIZE] [SIZE=1] availableInEditor = true[/SIZE] [SIZE=1] showInfo = true[/SIZE] } if anyone else is having the same issue with the tanks reloading their setup on launch let me know if i'm the only one idk >.>
  7. hmmm.. i dont have any other mods effecting the fuel systems. ok so if you mean i need to do something like this instead? @PART[] !RESOURCE{ !name = LiquidFuel !amount = 2052 !maxAmount = 2052 } !RESOURCE { !name = Oxidizer !amount = 2508 !maxAmount = 2508 } MODULE { name = FSfuelSwitch resourceNames = LiquidFuel,Oxidizer;LiquidFuel;Oxidizer;XenonGas resourceAmounts = 2052,2508;4104;5016;7400 displayCurrentTankCost = true basePartMass = 5.366 hasGUI = true availableInFlight = false availableInEditor = true showInfo = true }
  8. hey this is my first time posting . I seem to be having a spot of trouble with FSfuelSwitch not maintaining their tank setup when launched. I noticed the source code has just recently changed and not sure if it was directed at this sort of thing but it seems it may have. can anyone else confirm the issue i'm having or is there something obvious i'm not getting with setting the tanks up, but this is how they are setup as an example. [SIZE=1]@PART[][/SIZE][SIZE=1]{[/SIZE] [SIZE=1] MODULE[/SIZE] [SIZE=1] {[/SIZE] [SIZE=1] [/SIZE] [SIZE=1] name = FSfuelSwitch[/SIZE] [SIZE=1] resourceNames = LiquidFuel,Oxidizer;LiquidFuel;Oxidizer[/SIZE] [SIZE=1] resourceAmounts = 720,880;1440;1760[/SIZE] [SIZE=1] basePartMass = 1[/SIZE] [SIZE=1] //tankMass = 0;0;0[/SIZE] [SIZE=1] //tankCost =0;0;0[/SIZE] [SIZE=1] displayCurrentTankCost = false[/SIZE] [SIZE=1] hasGUI = true[/SIZE] [SIZE=1] availableInFlight = false[/SIZE] [SIZE=1] availableInEditor = true[/SIZE] [SIZE=1] showInfo = true[/SIZE] [SIZE=1] }[/SIZE] to be specific, FSfuelSwitch is functional but it just adds the original LFO setup the tank had originally TO whatever it was setup as in the VAB/SPh, meaning there is the setup i picked + the original, no matter the setup chosen
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