hey this is my first time posting . I seem to be having a spot of trouble with FSfuelSwitch not maintaining their tank setup when launched. I noticed the source code has just recently changed and not sure if it was directed at this sort of thing but it seems it may have. can anyone else confirm the issue i'm having or is there something obvious i'm not getting with setting the tanks up, but this is how they are setup as an example. [SIZE=1]@PART[][/SIZE][SIZE=1]{[/SIZE] [SIZE=1] MODULE[/SIZE] [SIZE=1] {[/SIZE] [SIZE=1] [/SIZE] [SIZE=1] name = FSfuelSwitch[/SIZE] [SIZE=1] resourceNames = LiquidFuel,Oxidizer;LiquidFuel;Oxidizer[/SIZE] [SIZE=1] resourceAmounts = 720,880;1440;1760[/SIZE] [SIZE=1] basePartMass = 1[/SIZE] [SIZE=1] //tankMass = 0;0;0[/SIZE] [SIZE=1] //tankCost =0;0;0[/SIZE] [SIZE=1] displayCurrentTankCost = false[/SIZE] [SIZE=1] hasGUI = true[/SIZE] [SIZE=1] availableInFlight = false[/SIZE] [SIZE=1] availableInEditor = true[/SIZE] [SIZE=1] showInfo = true[/SIZE] [SIZE=1] }[/SIZE] to be specific, FSfuelSwitch is functional but it just adds the original LFO setup the tank had originally TO whatever it was setup as in the VAB/SPh, meaning there is the setup i picked + the original, no matter the setup chosen