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Everything posted by mitko

  1. By the way Claw, the bug I reported in 0.90, the one where the 3,75m decoupler didn't want to decouple when struts connected it with the stage it was on, is still with us in 1.0.2.
  2. Your Center-of-Lift is in front of your Center-of-Mass. It has to be slightly behind.
  3. It's a stock bug, I brought it here because it seemed like the sort of thing your bug-fixes fix.
  4. Claw, I love your bug-fixes, they've made the game less frustrating and more enjoyable. I'd like to report a small bug. If you strut the 3,75 m decoupler with the stage it's supposed to stay on it doesn't decouple. In fact the two stages stay together although you can no longer control the one from the other. If you try to time-warp the whole craft explodes on return to physics. Struts linking the 3,75m decoupler with the stage it separates from aren't a problem, nor the ones connecting the stages directly. P.S. Here is a video of the bug in action - https://youtu.be/45PmeifoM0w?t=17m6s
  5. I like the idea, it gives scientists purpose in sandbox.
  6. If your ship is lighter then 8 tons or so you are better off using 48-7S, and if it's lighter than a ton the PB-ION is better.
  7. If you are talking about Whyren's greenhouses then they don't require any additional mods other than Snacks!, if you want just his greenhouses but not his other parts then you can delete those parts you don't want and keep the ones you do.
  8. tgruetzm, I love your mod and use it in all my saves. I like that it forces you to make ships with lots of habitable space for interplanetary travel so you can't just stick your kerbal in a small capsule and send him to Jool. The only issue is that there is no way to produce snacks away from Kerbin. Since we can’t produce fuel either that’s not a problem. I send snacks with my fuel resupply missions. With 1.0 we’ll get fuel production so I would like to make a proposition. What if the Mobile Processing Lab could produce Snacks from LFO at rate of 0,9 fuel, 1,1 oxidizer and 100 electric charge per snack. That way it will still be more mass efficient to carry them in habitation modules, but if you have a source of fuel you could make a self-sufficient bases. Additionally if there are engineers in the MPL that could reduce the electric charge necessary for snack production. For example in there are no engineers in it will cost 100 EC per snack, every engineer will reduce the charge needed by 10 and every level that engineer has will reduce it by 5. If there are two five star engineers in the MPL it will cost just 30 EC to make a snack. I hope you find my proposition interesting.
  9. Hi to everyone, I'm Dimiter from Bulgaria. I've been lurking for several months and finally decided to join. I've been playing for 10 months now and wait the release of 1.0 with anticipation.
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