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Posts posted by lordcirth

  1. 10 hours ago, cheese3660 said:

    Almost every KSP2 mod is going to require >= 1.34

    Ok, thanks. Got 1.34.4 installed and it let me install WMCC and dependencies. However, now I am confused; I started a new save, did the sounding rocket mission, unlocked a bunch of tech tree nodes - and got zero parts.

    Tech tree:
    VAB parts list:

    Also, the Early Electronics node has a dependency on Rapid Planned Disassembly, which I don't see anywhere; is that related or a known issue?

    I'm running KSP2 via wine-bottles, with winhttp overridden as the BepInEx docs say. 

  2. On 1/3/2024 at 6:13 PM, Iso-Polaris said:

    Why does the actual solar power is only half of what the planner tells me on home planet , I made sure the exposure at nearly 100% around the orbit of home planet, should it give me 100% right ? not 50%.

    Can you post a screenshot of your vessel?

    On 1/6/2024 at 11:14 AM, septemberWaves said:

    Is there any documentation that explains how to create a custom Kerbalism profile? I need to make a custom profile but I can't get it to function; this means that I am clearly missing something or doing something wrong, but I have no idea how to tell what is going wrong. Is there any documentation on this?

    In what way is it not functioning? Refusing to load Kerbalism? Loading the default profile? Loading a null profile?

  3. On 4/29/2023 at 12:34 PM, TV4Fun said:

    I'm thinking of adding an automation layer on top of Kerbalism. Basically something that would allow you to build a decent-sized remote colony or space station by flying in the parts, but not having to fly each mission yourself. Something like you just order part X be shipped to location Y and a rocket of your design is automatically dispatched to do it. Or say you have a crew of Kerbals on EVA working on the surface all walking around on their own building parts and assembling them together based on your orders. Basically just pulling back the camera and level of abstraction so gameplay is more along the lines of Banished/Rimworld/Planetbase. How hard would that be to do within the existing framework, and what would be the best way to hook into the existing code?

    This may do some of what you want, though you need to deliver the exact package you want to copy later, you can't swap in items.

  4. 20 hours ago, Xelo said:

    How do we know for sure its the physics thats lagging and not just extra parts being drawn? 0:

    When Everyday Astronaut was playing, the lag ended the moment he staged away his boosters. This is the exact behavior we see now with KSP1 being single thread CPU limited. The GPU would be doing the same or more work rendering the same parts; but the CPU's main physics thread suddenly offloaded 8 boosters to their own threads.

  5. 3 minutes ago, SilverState said:

    As far as I'm aware, no, Kerbalism itself doesn't do this due to transmission rates not being constant - they mainly vary due to distance. There was a KCC - Kerbalism Companion Calculator which did this, unsure if it still works in the latest game version. Feel free to give it a try.

    https://spacedock.info/mod/2580/Kerbalism Companion Calculator

    It would still be helpful to see the maximum total speed at 0 distance, even without range penalties.

  6. 5 hours ago, DangerNoodle said:

    I would like to share some changes/additions I've made to a few .cfg files. These include:

    - Changed cupola-greenhouse-125-1 from 1/90 to 1/6 of kerbalism greenhouse
    - Added custom greenhouse module for aquaculture-375-1

    - Added a patch to change the analysis speed of some labs

    - Added support for the US2 sabatier reactor part, scaled accordingly

    - Changed a line to enable kerbalism to add lab experiments to all labs and not just the stock lab

    - Changed a line to enable the patch to correctly add hard drives to labs


    Detailed explanation:

    The cupola greenhouse has 1/12 as many individual plants as the greenhouse-375-1, wich is 2x as good as the default kerbalism greenhouse.

    The fish tank is different from all the others. I decided it gets 4x kerbalism greenhouse ("kg") / 2x 375-1 greenhouse food production.
    It is now some sort of direct Waste-converter, as i imagine some fish species can use the biomatter contained in waste more efficiently than just extracting the wastes nh3
    Uses 2 Kerbals worth of Waste as fish-fodder, plus algae from integrated tanks that are as effective as 1x "kg" in both input and output
    The fish however only consume/produce 1.75 Kerbals worth of co2/o2 while ingesting 2 Kerbals of food per day (not actual biomass of a Kerbal, the amount of food eaten by one per day)
    I suspect growing lifeforms exhale a lower percentage of their ingested carbon as co2, than fully grown individuals of their kind,
    because at least some of that carbon  needs to be integrated into their bodies for growing.

    The large labs can fit more scientists, and house more and also probably more modern equipment, so they should be realistically abe to analyse samples faster.

    There was no config for the sabatier reactor so I added one that is scaled in the same vein as the other parts, using its mass in relation to the kerbalism ECLSS

    The line in question effectively adds lab experiments to parts with a kerbalism laboratory module, but only targets the stock lab for whatever reason, despite other lab related patches targeting all parts with lab modules
    Now all modded labs too get lab experiments

    The line in question adds a hard drive modules to all parts with a stock lab module, but that stock lab module got removed two files above.
    I've changed the filter module to the kerbalism lab module instead.


    Here are the modified files in a MediaFire folder:
    I've marked all my changes  with a comment with my user name.

    Nice. It would probably be easier to maintain a fork of the git repo, though - that's exactly what git is for.

  7. 12 hours ago, Frostiken said:

    Man I'm getting deeper into the tech tree and some of these engine ratings really stop making sense and hurt the game. Notably, aerospike engines. There's no reason for them to be ignition-limited. Ignition limits made some sense on lifter engines because of the amount of power in them, but an aerospike is, like, the opposite of fragile. Given the nature of aerospikes and their use in-game, having ONE ignition makes them basically worthless. They aren't actually lifter engines. Terrible. There's also a lot of engines that really do need more ignitions just by nature of their intention, for example, the Mk.2 Expansion has some chemical engines for spaceplanes/SSTOs. Obviously a single-ignition limit makes them worthless for SSTO, but, alas, the formula has rendered them purposeless.

    I love the idea and for the most part I find the concept functional, but when you run into situations - like with Aerospikes - where the feature essentially makes them worthless, I have no choice but to disable the feature :/

    The formula looks at the total thrust, and the ratio of ASL to VAC Isp, so it ID's the aerospike as a first-stage lifter engine.  You should be able to write an MM config that overrides the rated ignitions for aerospikes; something like:

      @rated_ignitions = 5

    This might not be quite correct syntax.

  8. 4 hours ago, IronCretin said:

    How do I set up antennas to auto-transmit? All my experiments are saying that there's insufficient storage space. I'm using the skyhawk configs, I asked in that thread in case its a problem with that mod.

    Hover over the signal symbol (ie the wifi symbol) on the craft's info. If it says "telemetry", you aren't transmitting science data. If it says a speed, you are. If you are, you just need to wait for the transmission to clear up space. If not, either you are using the antennas built into a probe core, or you have the antennas turned off, or the data is set to not be transmitted.

  9. 1 minute ago, securegm said:

    I don't know if anyone was playing this mod in career mode lately, but I found really game breaking bug.

    Missioin control Lvl 1: max contracts 2 (2 trivial, 1 significant, 0 exceptional)

    Mission control Lvl 2: max contracts 7 (2 trivial, 1 significant, 0 exceptional) - does not add up

    Can't progress because most contracts I need to get out of -900 reputation has 3 stars. 

    Negative 900 rep? How?

  10. 1 hour ago, FasterThanFlourite said:

    Oh, wow. I totally missed the Auto tab. Thanks for the hint!

    But I still have to watch that manually, right?

    Or is there a way to get a message when a science experiment becomes available in-flight, like ScienceAlert does for the standard science system?



    I usually leave the auto tab open the whole flight. blue changing to green is pretty noticeable, and I want to know how much time is left, etc anyway.

  11. 28 minutes ago, FasterThanFlourite said:



    1) Where exactly do I find the option to automatically trigger science instruments?

    2) Is there an option to have an alert message when a science experiment is available?

    3) If not, can I see which science experiments are available *right now* ?

    Either in the menu for an instrument (VAB or flight), or in the Kerbalism vessel info tab under Auto, you can see all experiment, deployable solar panels & antennae, etc. If they are "running", they are collecting science, if "waiting" there is no more science to get there. 

  12. 1 minute ago, jaunco325 said:


    I have all.
    a detail in the hangar to build ships. I have a section for life support parts. (this mod must have added it, because it was not there before and I don't have any other life support mods). but it's empty, I don't know if it's normal that when you start the game you don't have a single piece of life support. which makes me think that the mod is working halfway.

    CommunityResourcePack-Master? That doesn't sound right. Is there a GameData directory inside that? You need GameData/CommunityResourcePack to be in your GameData.

  13. 3 hours ago, jaunco325 said:

    Since I don't know what kerbalism should look like, it's hard to explain. but I did crew, EVA, temperature and mystery concoction reports and they all looked and performed exactly the same as the vanilla game. I don't know if I have to change something.
    install it manually. with the link mentioned above

    Then you probably forgot to install ModuleManager and/or Community Resource Pack.

  14. 11 minutes ago, jaunco325 said:

    because they continue to be carried out automatically and the same as always. and there is no context menu in the geiger counter

    I am not sure what you mean by "automatically". Perhaps Kerbalism is not installed correctly. Did you install it manually or with CKAN?

  15. 17 minutes ago, jaunco325 said:

    the geiger counter is from this mod? because I don't know how to use it. The same thing happens to me with a blue square that seems electronic that they give at the beginning of the game.
    also the description says that now science takes time to realize. Does this apply to vanilla science gadgets? because until now they were all done automatically.


    Stock science experiments are all replaced with Kerbalism experiments, which take time. For the geiger counter, or any science part, just enable it in the right-click menu; if there's science to do, it will say "running", otherwise "waiting". 

  16. 48 minutes ago, Frostiken said:

    Even without a scientist the base flow of science is 0.05625.

    It looks like there was a bug that makes Breaking Ground experiments take 10x longer than intended, which was fixed in July:


    However, the last release (3.14) was in July, so I guess it's not fixed yet. Thankfully, that's a tiny change that you should be able to make manually in your install.

    I also think that using a scientist to deploy the experiment is supposed to help, but I can't find a reference to it in the config. 

  17. 26 minutes ago, Frostiken said:

    So I've had a surface-deployed goo experiment running for 111 days on the Mun, and it's ONLY 2% COMPLETE. It has 4 power units available.

    0.005625p/hr is the stated science gain rate.

    This cannot be serious. Is this serious? This is pointless, it's going to take centuries for this stupid thing to finish, what is the point?

    Did you use a scientist to deploy it, and if so, what rank?

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