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Posts posted by lordcirth

  1. 7 hours ago, baldamundo said:

    That's a pain - any ideas of combinations of settings/config hacks/etc to leave it a bit more playable? Am already quite far into this career game.


    Btw, what exactly is the logic behind how sample storage works currently? A surface sample from a Kerbal on EVA takes up one slot and weighs 25kg, whereas each of the surface experiments from DMagic's orbital science mod seem to take up about 11 separate slots, despite the total mass of samples being significantly lower than that of the vanilla surface sample. Is it intended behaviour that I need to attach two to four dedicated sample storage containers to each of my landers?

    Have you researched Miniaturization? There's an upgrade there that gives the storage container more slots.

  2. 8 hours ago, TomVorat said:

    Is there a way to adapt parts to the various scales of planets or do I have to edit all of the parts by themselfs? (make parts 2.5x more efficient/capable in 2.5x stock solar system or something)

    2.5x is only 58% harder (sqrt 2.5). Most people who scale things up with Sigma do so because it increases the challenge. I also like it because I get to build bigger rockets. However, if you do want to improve the rocket parts as well, there was a mod to do that... whose name I completely forget now... sorry.

  3. 4 minutes ago, mikegarrison said:

    Yeah, but "stepping on toes" is one thing. Completely overriding other mods that the player intentionally loaded because he/she wants to use is another thing. It means that, in a lot of ways, Kerbalism ends up being a stand-alone mod. Either you play KSP with all your other mods, or you play Kerbalism.

    No, you open a github issue, you fix it or someone else does, and then you play. I play Kerbalism with over 60 mods.


  4. Just now, mikegarrison said:

    That's what I did. Again.

    Every time I have tried Kerbalism, I have run into problems like this. Kerbalism just wants to control EVERYTHING.

    (I think maybe because they are trying to solve the problem of figuring out resource usage and generation when the ship is unloaded. It's a problem that goes back to the basic design of KSP, which assumes that nothing is ever happening to anything that is not actively being focused on except that it moves through space.)

    Yes, Kerbalism does universal background simulation, which inherently ends up stepping on a lot of toes.

  5. 1 minute ago, mikegarrison said:

    I have played around with RSS and yes, scale really changes the balance.

    I think it would be fun to play a KSP 2 game which had a RSS scale and all the parts/tech/science/cost/etc. balanced for that. But as it is, it's just too fiddly to run all the mods required to do RSS, especially since they all break every time Squad updates the base game.

    That's why I like Sigma Dimensions - the planets and parts are the same, so it doesn't break nearly as much stuff.

  6. 4 minutes ago, mikegarrison said:

    If we ever have a science lab on the moon, I bet that the things being studied there will mainly be people and stuff found on the moon.

    I think that the stock science labs work fine. They do not "create science out of nothing" -- you need to collect data and bring it to the lab to be analyzed over time (and using power). The main problem with them in stock is the same problem that stock KSP has in general, which is that time itself costs nothing. Life support mods (like Kerbalism) fix that, which means that time is costly, which also means that a science lab that develops science over time is not "free". If I were in charge of Kerbalism (which I'm not), I would allow the stock science lab science mechanism. But c'est la vie.

    Once I got used to it, I liked the Kerbalism science experiment tweaks. My issues were mainly balance -- it was really hard to generate enough science from the early nodes to unlock the later nodes. Once I could get surface samples, science started flowing. But until then I was really scraping by on the science, including trading most of my reputation gains for science points. I do think the experiments that take many days need to be made free of power requirements. They are effectively WAY too expensive. You need power to live for 15 days and then you also need even more power to do the science experiment?

    I eventually figured out that the seismometer is meant to be left in place on a landed probe (or, I guess, a long-term base). It's basically wasted on a lander that only stays on the surface long enough to plant a flag and collect a few samples. Unfortunately, by the time I had half a dozen landed probes out there gathering seismic data, I started to develop frame rate issues due (I think) to the computational load of so many ships being actively tracked all at once.

    I didn't keep playing long enough to be sure, but I suspect Kerbalism would have trouble generating enough science to unlock the higher nodes of the Community Tech Tree. For those, science labs (with the stock mechanism) are really useful.

    I play with Probes Before Crew and Sigma Dimensions on 4x. My first big science spike is when I manage to land a tiny probe lander using the Ant engine on the Mun, sometimes before getting the seismometer. That usually gets me enough to unlock the seismometer and do it again, which gets even more. I usually land these on the Mun and Minmus around the same time that I do my first manned orbit, and then I start doing manned Mun flybys. Mun landing returns are very difficult on 4x scale, and manned is even harder, but it works. I play on around 150% science and funds due to the 4x scale, though.

  7. 32 minutes ago, The-Doctor said:

    I had it in low kerbin orbit testing and it practically just maintained radiation levels at a certain amount, not bad, not great, lol #Chernobyl however it doesn't cure radiation, not even when on kerbins surface, is slows down accumulation massively but doesn't reduce it

    How much shielding did it have?

  8. Just now, infinite_monkey said:

    Hm, I fast-forwarded the 15 days it said it would take, and still got 0%. Is there a way to check the real progress, maybe in the savefile? How would I find it?

    The R&D tab that shows experiments should tell you, I think. Experiments can often take longer than their normal time due to data transmission not keeping up, power loss, etc.

  9. 39 minutes ago, Krymson Skorpyon said:

    I've noticed a note on some of the nodes in the Tech tree: "LITE to Unmanned Experiments" (or SITE or MITE).  Based on my research I believe that that's a Kerbalism thing - where can I find documentation/instructions for that feature, please?

    Not sure about docs, but you can configure them on any probe core.

  10. 2 minutes ago, russ0133 said:

    I'm still at the start of my career, but does the science transmission rate/generation increase with new parts? It's... hard... to get atmospheric science done because some experiments take a lot of time - how am I supposed to stay in atmosphere for the whole time so I can finish the experiment? Also the antenna transmission rate is awful slow sometimes. :/

    Later parts add Hard Drive space too? The initial pod 512kb is too little

    For atmosphere, make a basic plane and let it fly level for a while. Or use a chute tuned to open at the max of 5km. Or ignore them and go for space.

  11. 6 minutes ago, Nertea said:

    Let's present our first two mostly complete models for CE 1.0.0.

    This is the Vesuvisu, the Volcano replacement, based on the Vulcain 2 engine from the Ariane 5. It will be available in 1.25m boattail, 1.25m ring and compact variants.

    Followed by the all-new Erebus, a new sustainer based on the RD-0120. Available in 1.875m boattail, 1.875m ring and compact variants.

    This is also the first peek at the new colour scheme for CE, which aligns with the one BDB is using for its own cryogenics, specifically the blue ring.


    Will the Vesuvius*? have similar stats to the Volcano?

  12. 5 minutes ago, CocoaGames said:

    in the settings tabs what should change to make it 2.5x 

    You need to edit GameData/Sigma/Dimensions/Settings.cfg, there is no GUI for it. Resize and Rescale should be 2.5, everything else leave it as is.

  13. 16 minutes ago, Guedez said:

    >cfg tab

    What's that and how to access it? I've been seeing tons of config screens for other mods, but I am still to see the one for Kerbalism. I am on the newest version on steam, in case that might be a version incompatibility issue with kerbalism

    In your toolbar, in flight or KSC, you should see a button with a heartbeat/EKG logo, as shown below. That shows a list of craft, you click the sat to expand, cfg tab, disable notifications for connection and electricity.

    If you do not have this button, then you do indeed have a problem with your install.


  14. 1 hour ago, Guedez said:

    No, you don't understand. My satellite spends more energy than the panels can collect, it was my mistake, but now it is in a limbo state of having and not having connection forever because on one frame it have energy, on the next, it does not.
    Now, no matter where I am in the ksc, I can't warp, and the warning keeps spamming me.
    It happens even when I am not flying the satellite. I'd blow it up, but it is still doing what it is supposed to do, but with a smaller efficiency due to the energy situation

    And if you disable electricity and connection warnings for that craft in the cfg tab, it should stop doing that. Did you try?

  15. 42 minutes ago, Guedez said:

    I was getting drained out of all science before unlocking the solar panels. Since I kickstarted myself them, it's been pretty normal now.


    Also, is it kerbalism that is stopping my warp every single time I lose or get signal again? This thing is really bothering me and I can't figure out how to stop that form happening

    Yes, alerts about the state of your craft will stop warp. You can disable this per-craft in the 'CFG' tab of the Kerbalism menu. I think there's also a global disable, but I wouldn't recommend that.

  16. 7 minutes ago, Guedez said:

    Well. I was, but after restating about 3 times because of changing which mods are enable and which are not, I ended up starting with 90 science to save me from spamming "Test X on launch site". Now I am about to make satellites.

    What's the key tech node that you weren't able to get? A basic manned orbit gives you tons of science. Are you playing with PBC or another probes-first career?

  17. 5 hours ago, Guedez said:

    Is there some sort of checkilst for what Kerbalism considers science-worthy?
    It seems that the whole ksc (which in stock is worth tons of science if you bother visiting every single biome) seems to be worth almost nothing. And the early game is just too brutal without it.

    I understand that later on you can just start tossing satellites that auto gather tons science if you put them on orbits that visits many biomes, but that takes quite a while to start, at least 200~ science to get the parts and put them in the orbit

    XScience was great for this, but it does not work with Kerbalism it seems, it only displays a bugged EVA report that you can't even take

    Ok, so I made a new KSP install for this.

    KSP 1.7.2, with both DLC. Enabled 1.6 and 1.7 compat in CKAN. Installed Kerbalism + the default config and dependencies.

    New career with defaults. Accepted the first two contracts.

    Flight 1: Mk1 pod with goo + Bob, on the ground. It has just enough battery for both with Bob. 4.7 science.

    Flight 2: As above, but Flea and fins. Should have turned the thrust down but I forgot. Pop chute at Ap and set max opening altitude of 5km. Got 10 more science just from milestones. Goo 10s away from being done, lol. Now at 26.8 science.

    Etc. So far this seems reasonable. What mission are you stuck on?

  18. 3 hours ago, Guedez said:

    Is there some sort of checkilst for what Kerbalism considers science-worthy?
    It seems that the whole ksc (which in stock is worth tons of science if you bother visiting every single biome) seems to be worth almost nothing. And the early game is just too brutal without it.

    I understand that later on you can just start tossing satellites that auto gather tons science if you put them on orbits that visits many biomes, but that takes quite a while to start, at least 200~ science to get the parts and put them in the orbit

    XScience was great for this, but it does not work with Kerbalism it seems, it only displays a bugged EVA report that you can't even take

    Are you using any other mods? When 3.0 was first released I tried a career without too many other mods, and it wasn't hard. In fact I believe 60% science factor is recommended to get a good balance. I can start up a career and check again, though.

  19. 51 minutes ago, Nnimrod said:

    Alright so I want to disable the science and signal modules, and I see how to disable science in /Kerbalismconfigs/settings.cfg but not signal. How can I disable the entire signal module, as I'd rather use the vanilla system?

    Kerbalism does use the stock comms system. Any changes to data transmission are covered by Science.

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