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    Down on Earth
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    Aerospace (sims), Biology, Scifi and Fantasy, Coding

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  1. Been trying to get a working orange tank carrgo SSTO once more. Well, this one works, has the range, (and then some), but it suffers balance issues when low on fuel and the cargo removed. I needed to move nearly all of the fuel i had left (still good for about 1400m/s with payload) to not flip like a madman. On the plus side, it did sit quite nicely at 50deg alpha after i did so. Now if only i stuck the reentry a bit better and didn't blow up my nosecone.
  2. Why, to defend against dragon-, er, krakens of course!
  3. ...Is that challenge what i think it is? Dear mother of kraken, that's insane, even for jeb standards...
  4. *thrashes around on the bridge like an epileptic* I'm just sad it's the refit connie. :|
  5. They are. It requires the cheat menu. (overlapping parts) You place them with the medium port first, the other way round seems to be impossible to place. Both ports are useable, though selecting the smaller one to undock isn't always easy. It also seems to be totally bugfree, though i have not tried to dock two of those together.
  6. I dunno if I've posted this one yet. The forum search is no help. Oh well, i still think it's beautiful. Of all vessels i've made so far, i think i'm most proud of this one. This variant is capable of munar orbit.
  7. Eek! You had me at the edge of my seat for a moment there.
  8. Huh, I should start managing my AGs like that. I have semi-standardized action groups, but they're still pretty messy. For example, AG1 is nearly always the main launch engines toggle for me, but i've also been using it on occasion to toggle lander/tug engines...
  9. Is it possible to strut to other crafts then!?
  10. Ah, makes sense. I guess even in that techtree the claw would be fairly high up. How do you do it with KAS, though?
  11. Nice flying. Getting supersonic on Wheesleys isn't easy. Will we be getting claw shenanigans already!?
  12. Awww crud, I'm at the latest installment now. Whelp, time to finally go to sleep.
  13. Four to be precise. Two merchant aircraft carriers of the Shell company under Dutch flags and navy airforce personnel during WW2. Then came Hr.Ms. Karel Doorman (1) from 1946 to 1948, and Hr.Ms. Karel Doorman (2) from 1948 to 1968. MV Gadila MV Macoma Hr. Ms. Karel Doorman 1 Hr. Ms. Karel Doorman 2
  14. This is one of the few times I'm jealous of y'all 'muricans with an aircraft carrier to visit. We (the dutch) used to have a few, but they met with rather unglorious end a long time ago...
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