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    Curious George
  1. I am having an issue. I downloaded the mod and installed exactly the same way I installed other mods, but when I opened KSP non of the repulsorlifts were in the parts list. After looking around some more, I realized that the power generator and the long tracks were missing too. I was kinda bummed cause the hover craft and the long track were the things i got the mod for. But i pushed on and used different traks for my tank. Then i found out that non of the wheels or tracks worked at all. After spawning in the vehicle the tracks or whells just floated above the ground as if their hitboxes were to large. The wheels or tracks didn't turn at all and the craft didnt budge. If there is a fix for this i would appreciate being informed of it.
  2. I am experiencing a problem where about every other time I load in a vehicle on the runway, I am not able to revert the flight or anything else that would allow me to reset what i just did. This only started after i downloaded BD and only in the last few minutes. This very annoying as i have to quit and reload KSP every flight or test. Upon further investigation i found that this bug only occurs after alt-tabbing to a different window and then back again.
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