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Everything posted by Mitanpo

  1. Man, it's like dream comes true I sent a letter to Kerbalcast which was about a similar topic. Kerbalcast Episode 20 (30/09/2014) ""...............I have a idea that might be nice for the game. When we look around in the cockpits and crew habitation module, there is always a cabin/drawer/box that says "Snacks". Wouldn't it be nice if Kerbals needed snacks to be in a good shape? Now, I'm not talking about that they would eventually die of starvation like in the Sims or the old Tamagotchi, instead they get disoriented, unfocused and Mad. after each day and or maneuver, the snack "gauge" will decrese. This will set a limit of how many EVA you can do in a mission. If the stock gets empty, Kerbals become useless. Refusing to maneuver the craft, won't do eva, won't take science readings etc. wouldn't it be nice if we could send Snack rations to kerbals doing mission on a planet? I would love it""
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