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Everything posted by HoloYolo

  1. Realism Overhaul is a mod pack that makes the game more realistic. It re-scales the Solar System and such. Play stock first and try the game out.
  2. 1 don't think you can do 1 stage to the Mun, unless you got a great Rapier SSTO
  3. http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Rules+of+War From a different thread.
  4. Made a 100% stock install on Steam. Making a space station to prepare for a sundive. I have my first successful orbiter in orbit still, gonna make it a museum.
  5. They would take over Earth and start using NASA for their own intentions.What if we were Kerbals?!
  6. It gets hotter as you go down, so no way in hell is there frozen gas or water. It is not possible in real life due to the pressure and heat. It's like hell down there
  7. I watched a video on it and I found a US sub can launch a nuke from the Atlantic Ocean to Shanghai in 10-15 minutes.
  8. My army needs new uniforms anyways. White suits are boring!
  9. It wasn't the guns, it was HYPE to defeat the mirror!
  10. Yes we can! Surrender! Your time is up!
  11. On it!*fires whole arsenal at Railmines*
  12. Who should I believe?! AHHHH
  13. Greg? I mean the real one. Is that you?
  14. Do you guys get rep like the rest of us or is it inflated?
  15. Guys I think we're winning.
  16. Banned for being an alien and not American.
  17. Sorry it was a number joke from a different thread.Banned for not being here.
  18. http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Rules+of+War Look at it.
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