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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. Ive also had a break from KSP (it was the v2 announcement that got me back into it.) Using v1.7.3 on Mac (so no jy for V2) DPAI working perfectly for me. Perhaps check your installation logs? Hope that helps?
  2. Another shoutout to @NavyFish. In the brief interludes when waiting for DPAI to be updated for new versions of KSP, I've found I just don't update KSP. This mod has been a real "must have". For me, the only "must have". Everything else is secondary. We all owe @NavyFish lots of appreciation for what he's done to this point.
  3. I run KSP on an iMac I have 1.2, 1.3.1 and 1.4.1 all in separate folders on my hard drive. No Steam, no shared folders I d/l 1.4.1 not intending to use it as I am in the advanced stages of a career game in 1.3.1 but you know how it is "just a quick look..."? So, I ran 1.4.1, launched a couple of ships, tried a few mods (mainly EVE, Kerbal Alarm Clock and Kerbal Engineer as they were updated) and then decided to leave it until mods such as Kerbal Joint Reinforcer became current (I always have space stations shake apart on me) :-( Back to 1.3.1 and my asteroid station around Duna Argh! All the in-game fonts are distorted, unreadable. The graphic text (Start New Game", Mods & Addons" etc is clean but all the in-game fine text is unreadable. I tried re-installing with no mods. Still the same. With modes, the mod text is okay. It is just the in-game fine text that fails. I've tried trashing all the config files I can find, running clean vanilla, nothing works. I'm not 100% sure that running 1.4.1 caused this as everything is in separate folders. 1.2 works fine, it's just 1.3.1 with my current game (many hours dropped into this one!) that I can't get to wor. Anyone else come across anything similar? H E L P ! https://imgur.com/a/t50xb
  4. It's a known problem - every time you re-visit the asteroid it uses a different random seed to generate the shape, sometimes the peaks become troughs and vice-versa. Apparently this has been fixed in 1.4.1 and the asteroids are now persistent in shape and size. My 1.3.1 workaround was to always dock on a peak or mid-level section avoiding the troughs. it may not look pretty with items floating off the surface but at least they are still accessible (unlike my harvester that got buried up above the drills, none of which would function so no ore, no fuel, no movement!)
  5. @bewing Thanks for answering this. I fear I may have grabbed onto the asteroids at a "low point" in their seeds as I've changed focus a few times (re-started KSP, done other tasks etc) but they still stay embedded. Oh well, roll on 1.4 :-) Still the best entertainment going (apart from SpaceX and there is some serious cross-over for me!)
  6. So, I made a mining ship, grabbed onto an asteroid and pushed it into Duna orbit with the intention of using it as a fuel depot. Now I get back to it only to find my mining ship is embedded into the asteroid so far that the drills won't work (I presume they are too far in to make contact with the "surface"), the first set of solar panels I have on the ship are also embedded in the asteroid! If I try and release the Klaw, I get a kaboom every time (however I try and disengage; stability ON/OFF,; autostrut ON/OFF). Presuming this is a known bug, anyone know of a way to get my ship away from the asteroid in one piece? I built a new ship, grabbed a new asteroid and tried again. I now have two asteroids in Duna orbit both with ships embedded in them!
  7. Thanks for the reply but that is how it is set up at the moment; "in solar orbit just inside the Duna orbit" Would it be better to have it well inside the Duna orbit? My thinking was that I want asteroids close to Duna, not on the far side of the orbit so I didn't want the telescope to start racing away from Duna by being too far inside the Duna/Kerbol orbit. Perhaps the telescope is set up to function in such a way that, wherever it is relative to Duna, so long as it's between Kerbin and Duna on a solar orbit, it only finds asteroids close(ish) to Duna? If so, I'll move it into a solar orbit half way between Kerbin and Duna.
  8. I have a Sentinel equipped satellite in a solar orbit just inside the Duna orbit. Plenty of power etc but after a lot of observing all I've seen is one massive asteroid. Most of the time there is nothing. I had hoped to find a medium sized asteroid to capture and bring into Duna orbit as the basis of a refuelling station (through ISRU). So far I've found 1 massive object way too far from Duna to even think about grabbing. I was hoping for a selection more like what is around Kerbin (both in numbers, size variation and range). Is this is as good as it gets in the game or can I somehow coax the Sentinel to be more productive? I've even tried pointing the telescope lens directly at Duna! ;-)
  9. I have a Sentinel equipped satellite in a solar orbit just inside the Duna orbit. Plenty of power etc but after a lot of observing all I've seen is one massive asteroid. Most of the time there is nothing. I had hoped to find a medium sized asteroid to capture and bring into Duna orbit as the basis of a refuelling station (through ISRU). So far I've found 1 massive object way too far from Duna to even think about grabbing. I was hoping for a selection more like what is around Kerbin (both in numbers, size variation and range). Is this is as good as it gets in the game or can I somehow coax the Sentinel to be more productive? I've even tried pointing the telescope lens directly at Duna! ;-)
  10. Totally agree with the xkcd comment on this issue. I for one am just grateful for the time you have already put into this "must have" mod. Generally I resist mods in KSP like mechjeb (I don't want to watch a computer playa computer game on my behalf!) but if I'm being honest, I wouldn't play KSP half as much if I had to dock without DPAI - I'm in control, just using the information available ;-) So long as functionality is preserved, these minor cosmetic glitches can ride between version (KSP and DPAI) - just hope there are more versions of each to keep compatibility as and when required.
  11. Okay, got it. I didn't update the Module Manager dll. Just did the NavyFish folder. My mistake, sorry for giving you a fright! ;-) Don't know how I'd manage to build the ships I do without using this mod to dock the bits together. Makes me smile every time I watch a Soyuz dock at the ISS - just like KSP and your Mod. Thanks.
  12. I'm using the latest version of this indispensable mod with KSP 1.1 I seem to have lost the ability to rename ports. Has this been added to the setting options or just dropped during the upgrade to KSP 1.1? I've used this mod for so long I'd forgotten that renaming ports was part of the mod and not stock! Thanks.
  13. Thanks guys, I now realise it's part of the Docking Port Alignment mod -it's been a long time since I've used KSP without it! I'll post in the correct place now.
  14. Okay, I'm not Mr Observant so can anybody tell me how to get the "rename port" option to show in 1.1? In 1.0.5 clicking on a docking port gave me the option to rename it something sensible instead of "Clamp-o-tron Snr" (useful when there are many ports on a station). In 1.1 clicking on a port only gives me "control from here" or "disable crossfeed". I'm assuming there is a setting somewhere to add in the rename function? EDIT: This may be a function of the Docking Port Alignment Indicator mod by NavyFish but as I'm running the latest version of that plug-in, the question remains! Thanks
  15. I'm trying to put a space station core into a 200k km orbit of Duna but whatever design I try (sorry no pics, away from my KSP setup) I cannot get the craft to be stable, it pitches around like a small boat at anchor. I have reaction wheels powered up and running but it doesn't help. The same craft is rock steady in Kerbal orbit. The only way I can dock at the moment is to cheat: get very close, hit warp then unwarp and dive forward before it has time to start gyrating. Is the Duna/Ike system inherently unstable, is this a know "feature" or am I expecting too much stability from a medium sized craft (4 orange tanks laterally fixed to a core tank - I initially tried a radially linked arrangement but though that might be the problem so tried a more compact design to no avail. As you can appreciate, trying to get this hardware to Duna takes too long to keep playtesting different designs!
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