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Everything posted by Saza

  1. a nice 1080p video I recorded of MOST of the mir partsthanks so much for releasing the parts, cardboard made me incredible hungry for them on FP and now you\'ve made my space station dreams come true!
  2. I\'m sure this has been requested but I\'d love a lower-altitude instant orbit.
  3. Now that is a very good engine for the station. It\'s not really in the way, and it looks fantastic.
  4. Is it possible to make a 1m version of the BACE parts? They just fit so awful with the other parts I have cause they\'re not quite 1.5
  5. Oh. Glad I saw someone mention the Plywood Flyer wasn\'t there. I have been wondering where I could get it, saw it in a bunch of pictures.
  6. maybe then we\'ll get something on Op. Pretzel (what a joke. Classified. Why bother posting about it yet?)
  7. Nothing is wrong with your mods. I recommend them to anyone who\'s new to KSP (which a bunch of my friends have just picked up recently and ask me what parts to get, etc. I always recommend yours and Down Under, which are the most new-player-friendly.) If what I see is right, Operation Kansas will be one of my favorite mods if you ever release it though.
  8. Move on already about it. Don\'t tempt mods.
  9. I don\'t know about you but myself, you, and a few others still seem pretty civil about this. Nobody\'s mudslinging (to an extent), flaming, etc.
  10. Well, that\'s good that you\'re trying, and I fully understand your intentions. Some people hold grudges though; and it\'s good for everyone to take a break. Yeah, there\'s negativity but there\'s also a lot of positive comments. Like I said, it\'s only a certain amount of people complaining, and a certain amount of people who are supporting the whole ego thing. They\'re both in the wrong; but if you\'ve got nothing but positive comments one negative comment can really go wrong. You\'ve got to have a balance.
  11. I didn\'t say I was either. I\'m glad you\'re peacin\' out because quite frankly I\'m not in the mood to have to respond.
  12. Your models and parts are fine. They\'re some of the better parts of KSP\'s modding community. The problem was (is?) your attitude which I know a lot of people didn\'t like; I hear a lot of negativity elsewhere.
  13. I don\'t post here often as you can see but from what I\'ve seen you can be pretty egotistical. Arguably some of it\'s well deserved; some of the parts you made are pretty awesome (looking at you, BACE co.) but I wish you\'d play nicer. Regardless, I don\'t think any user created content should be stock unless they\'re incredibly good and useful (the only part I can think of right now that can would be any of the lander legs, or maybe some more RCS, but that\'s pretty much it. Escape towers too.) which I haven\'t seen any yet that really strike me out. This would be a prime example really. Automatically you assume someone says something negative they must be trolling.
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