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Dr. Kilgore

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Everything posted by Dr. Kilgore

  1. The first time I used a ship only piloted by Val. The second ship had Val, Bob and Bill. Val was the only one who couldn't perform and EVA. p.s.: did I say patriarchy again? dangit. I will make a bug report asap. Thanks for reminding me. About the modlist, quite long. I'll post it next time. just saw someone with the same bug: https://steamcommunity.com/app/220200/discussions/0/620712364039688400
  2. Hello everyone, seems I come to the forum only to report bugs... YAY. So I started a career mode and finally upgraded my Astronut complex, sent my first ship to orbit and then... Well. My Pilot (Valentina) seems to get stuck in the ladder if I try to perform some EVA and I am left controlling and unmanned ship. I really wanted some EVA science points, so after recovering the mentioned vessel and upgrading some stuff, I managed to send 3 kerbals into space: Valentina, Bill and Bob. So, I tried to gain some more science sending Bob to reset the experiments and then I saw it. Seems like I could control Bob on EVA. All good, seemed like the problem with the EVA was some puntual thing. Then I tried to perform EVA with Valentina, and the bug came up again. Then tried to perform EVA with Bill and it worked! So it seems that my bug is sexist. Might be some problem with the feminine kerbals code? I really would want a kerbogirl out in space. Thanks!
  3. Hi everyone! First time posting so, I'll make it quick. I have been preparing my first Mun mission: I builded a main ship (which will be used as a station orbiting Mun) and docked it to a refueling station I have in a 115m orbit at 90º around Kerbol. Then I builded a lander for the ship mentioned and docked it to the refuelling station too. I wanted to make sure both ships worked fine just before leaving to Mun, so that's why I docked both into the refuelling station although I didn't need to. So I could check both parts were fine to control, dock, etc. Then the krakenty problem started: I undocked both the ship and the lander and after some maneuvers (with the UI too, I should suggest KSP changes the way you change from ship to ship, it's a pain in the ass). I was nearly docking when I realised that the docking ports I used couldn't dock. I still don't understand because I've searched everywhere and I didn't find anything about any problem with two shielded docking ports. Both the same and they are not able to dock. Am I missing something? Does the shielded docking port only dock with other "regular sized" ports except the shielded one? edit: I've just realised that I can't close the shields. Is that normal?
  4. it's the first time that this happens to me, so I have no idea.
  5. No, I'm in sandbox mode. Later I'll post a screen shot I'm using a few mods, now I can't remember which ones.
  6. Hello everyone, first time in this forum so, hope you treat me well I finally managed to dock two space stations (quite a hard job, because both were pretty long and the SAS shook more than MJ Fox) but now I have a problem. It seems that my dock was useless because I just wanted to transfer fuel from one station to another so I could send that to Mun. But when I ALT+Right click it appears the option of fuel transfer but the IN and OUT buttons appear just for 1 milisecond and then stay blocked. (First the button look blue and then just like plain text). And even if I click there or something nothing happens. I need your help or my mission would be stupid. Thank you very much
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