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Everything posted by HazyHills

  1. Thanks guys, this was really helpful and everything seems to be working.
  2. Wow, thanks! I must have missed the extra part. Last time I used this mod you just needed the optics. Thanks for your help!
  3. So happy that someone picked up development of this mod. Having one issue that maybe someone can help with. I launched a telescope into space and opened the aperture, when I activated the GUI it said I needed to fit an image processor. I reverted the flight, found the processor and stuck it on the side of the telescope optic. I am still not able to see the GUI as it says the processor is still missing. If someone could point out what I'm doing wrong, that would be great. Keep up the great work.
  4. Having a weird issue maybe someone can help me with. Got this all installed fine but if I look at Moho the texture appears like this Example This is the only planet that seems to have this issue, anyone have any clues? Thanks. Edit: Fixed it! I don't know how, had to reinstall it twice but now its working.
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