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    Rocket Man

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  1. Hello everybody, I haven't been able to attend to this mod lately and I would like to let you know that linuxgurugamer will adopt the "Kerbal Research & Development" mod from now on. If a moderator reads this, please close this thread if linuxgurugamer asks you to do so, so that he can tend to this mod from a new thread. Thank you all for your support and keep researching.
  2. Hello everybody, I haven't been able to attend to this mod lately and I would like to let you know that linuxgurugamer will adopt the "Kerbal Space Transport System" mod from now on. If a moderator reads this, please close this thread if linuxgurugamer asks you to do so, so that he can tend to this mod from a new thread. Thank you all for your support and keep on launching.
  3. Hi there! I'm a friendly CKAN-wizard offering to help you out with getting your mod listed in CKAN. 

    Your KRnD.netkan looks pretty good, apart from the license, which I'm guessing you updated after creating it. The reason you're getting JSON deserialisation errors (and I am too), is that your Github releases don't have a packaged ZIP file in the release contents. There is an undocumented feature implemented earlier this year that will let us use your GitHub releases as they are, though.

    If you would like to self-host your netkan, so you can update the KSP version compatibility as required, I can submit changes to your netkan file and then add a metanetkan pointer to your github.

    Or if you'r rather we CKAN people handle it for you, I can just put all the details into the main Netkan repo.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. -MM-


      Ok, done.

    3. politas


      Cool. It's now in CKAN, using your self-hosted netkan metadata, so you can keep it up to date. Feel free to send me a message if there's any questions you have about how to best make changes in the future.

    4. -MM-


      I've just tried it and it works great. Thank you again for your help.

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