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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. Made my application. Even if I'm only 14, I'd love to help in any way possible.
  2. Flags do not need updating, and you can change the flag for a save by clicking on the flagpole by the Astronaut Complex.
  3. With the release of 1.0.1, this mod is obsolete. This thread will be deleted. Anyways, so long, and thanks for all the fish.
  4. I'm the same way. I have finals coming up, but I'm a half-decent modeler who wants to collaborate for someone to do the actual code.
  5. In its default orientation, the side that's facing the floor of the VAB should be the side that faces Kerbin while reentering.
  6. Has anyone confirmed that it works for them?
  7. That's exactly what I did, but I just put it as a ModuleManager config so it's installed just like any other mod.
  8. This was just a good first step. I want to start making parts mods with MM rebalancing for all parts, even taking in other parts packs, but any help will be appreciated.
  9. Besides, this is a good start for me.
  10. Didn't see that! This may, however, catch some more eyes, being amongst the other mods.
  11. - - - Updated - - - Link is up! Sorry 'bout that.
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