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Everything posted by SergeantSnickers

  1. Everytime I play this mod it makes me love it even more! I was thinking about doing a career paly with Principia but am a bit concerned about the performance. Does anybody of you has experience playing Principia with multiple vessels in orbit? And for the people still interested in some Video footage, I just put a probe in the crazy looking Minimus L5 point: Check it out!
  2. Hi guys, I just uploaded a new video of KSP with Principia where I explore the Mun L1 and L2 point. So if you are interested jut check it out! Mun L1 and L2 Point Can't say it often enough, I just love this mod!
  3. Thank you! I will try the "Fix navball in plotting frame" the next time. It seems to be much more useful than i thought, so thanks for the explanation! I will probably upload a new video tomorrow where i show how to reach the L1 point. Hope you guys check it out once it's uploaded!
  4. Hi, for a space enthusiast like me this mod is just awesome. It's so much fun to just play around with all the different kinds of orbits and maneuvers that are possible. I also managed to place my probes in different Lagrange points and was so fascinated that I already created a small video about flying to the Kerbin-Mun-L4 Point: Find the Video here if you want to see how to go there :) Only thing I would really like to have is, like Dolin said, a periapsis, apopasis and relative inclination indicator. This would help me alot as a guy who is eyeballing nearly every maneuver. Thanks alot for this awesome mod!
  5. Hey guys, I'm having a serious problem in my KSP. Once I try to undock something in space it seems like the magnetic force which normally occurs during final docking starts grabbing the vessel. When I use time acceleration the ships sperate but when i switch back to normal speed, they get pushed back together and explode. It's nearly impossible to play with these bugs, they just ruined my mission landing on Ike... I am using the following mods: If you have any questions just ask me, i could also record a video if it helps you understanding the problem. Thanks guys!
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