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Z-Key Aerospace

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Everything posted by Z-Key Aerospace

  1. I'll have a look. I'm thinking that in order to support weird-and-wonderful science I am going to really move things around. The more the merrier, I think.
  2. Try adding "-atmospheric" "space high -highlands" is always useful too. Case sensitive? I'm not keen on the idea. Some science is kinda spammy... If fuel isn't a problem you can carry asteroids around and for each asteroid do a surface sample in every situation in every biome on every body. For each lab you can research every combination of experiment in situation in biome on body. I could do something but I wouldn't want to add it to the main science list.
  3. [x] Science! V4.8 is available * Loading settings is a bit more robust * Fixed an exception if Blizzy78's toolbar is missing * Better analysis of planet's properties, should work better with modified solar system. * Filtered results includes only biomes of visited bodies * Option to hide the "Show All" filter button. Player can prevent themselves from seeing biomes on unexplored bodies. Unlocked instruments in situations on explored bodies can still be seen using the right-most filter button. Using settings you can hide this button if it feels too-much like cheating. If you get any vessel into the SOI of that body then all the biomes become visible. If you have [x] Science! visible as you cross into the bodies sphere of influence then the [x] Science! display should refresh with the new situations displayed. Download it here: http://themoose.co.uk/ksp/x-science-v4.8.zip It'll be on Kerbal Stuff and CKAN shortly. - - - Updated - - - Not sure what you downloaded. But I've published it now.
  4. A lot of that occurred to me, and maybe I could, later. For the moment - I did some work to fix something and ended up with a certain functionality. Though it looked cool. Any how I couldn't sleep last night and was coding it at 4.00 in the morning. So it is kinda done. Looked OK at the time. Too sleepy today to even think of looking at it... Um, it could be junk. I have done some very good work at 4.00 in the morning before... Zzzzzzzzz.
  5. I have fixed a load of stuff in the unload() event which seems to have fixed those problems. I have also written a rather cool wrapper for CelestialBody that works out a whole load of parameters. I have managed to remove a lot of magic constants and also simplified the code rather a lot. I could take this a lot further, I'm wondering where I ought to stop. I'm was hoping that the changes I have made would help mods like DMagic Orbital Science or Solar Science. Unfortunately I still have some way to go there. I will keep working on it. Is [x] Science too much like cheating? What about a difficult mode? (It would be a setting, not compulsory) What I could now do is restrict the experiments you can see based on the bodies you have visited. So maybe you can't see the Mun's biomes until you have at least got a ship to fly-by. I'm wondering what that ought to look like. So at the moment the right-most filter button shows everything, even unresearched instruments. There is a filter that hide the unresearched stuff - that could hide the unvisited planets too. I was wondering - what do you think of a "hard mode?" Essentially it would hide the show-all filter. The best you could do would be to show instruments you have researched on bodies who's SOI you have entered at least once.
  6. It may be because you don't have Blizzy's tool bar. Maybe trying to remove a button that hasn't been created. I'll put in a fix. - - - Updated - - - You can get splashed at all the Kerbin Biomes and also landed at Kerbin's water. You don't get masses of science points but it is quite good fun.
  7. Thanks for the positive feedback. A couple of things about the future. First off - The last version of [x] Science! that I bunged onto CKAN caused the lovely CKAN guys to send me the following missive And thus was I gently reminded of the impending arrival of "Starship Breakage" or KSP 1.1 as it is more commonly known. Of course what chaos will ensue when it finally drops out of hyperspace in the Kerbol System is anybody's guess. Second point is that I recently said Turns out that may not be entirely true. Disappointing? Yes! But it does mean that there is room for improvement. [x] Science! contains some constants and short-cuts - I think I can remove them and it will handle science mods, maybe not perfectly but better. As I said before, I don't want to have to add magic for every damn science mod. (Lazy programmer is lazy / That way madness lies - I'll let you choose!) If I can make [x] Science! work as well as I can then that will be good. So it seems to me that the immediate future includes fire-fighting 1.1 and Orbital Science/SCANsat support. I'm thinking that I shouldn't worry about 1.1 - just pretend it isn't happening and deal with it when it arrives.
  8. [x] Science! V4.7 is now out. 2 new settings. Check debris - Look for science stored in debris. Maybe something survived the lithobreaking? Complete without recovery - [x] Science! will show maxed-out science as completed even if you haven't recovered it to KSC yet. Makes it easier to see what is left to do. It's on Kerbal Stuff and will be on CKAN soon. Direct link is http://themoose.co.uk/ksp/x-science-v4.7.zip
  9. Just testing the new version. 2 new settings - "Complete without recovery" and "Check debris" Check debris Instructs [x] Science! to look for science held on debris, may be you can still recover it? Complete without recovery Recovered and on-board science are added together. If you have the maximum, it is shown as "Completed" even though you haven't recovered it all yet. The big progress bar and the total in the top-left are changed accordingly. If you have "Hide completed science" ticked then experiments will be hidden. This is my Lab Lander Mode. When there are no more entries in the list, you can go home. NOTE: Just in case it isn't obvious, you don't actually get the points until you get the lab back. This is just about making the "to do list" more readable.
  10. You do crew reports by right-clicking on the hatch of your command-pod. If the option isn't there then maybe you are in a Sandbox game. Although [x] Science! shouldn't open it's window in that mode. Have a look in your log file and see if there are and exceptions listed in it. - - - Updated - - - KSP 1.0.4 does seem to be a lot better. EDIT: Resisting the temptation to install Scatterer, KW and Space-Y helps too. - - - Updated - - - Assorted mods with their own rules for science many of which only look like science. [x] Science! does it's best. I want to add some settings and more bug fixes in the next version but then I'll try and add more support for weird-and-wonderful mods. Bodrick's idea was an API which at least means that I don't have to change things every time someone brings out another mod. Unfortunately I suspect that it would just mean that nothing ever gets done. SCANsat, vehicle recovery and the resource scan are on the list though. [x] Science! is supposed to support Orbital Science so I guess that something has changed.
  11. Amazing! Yes it turns itself off in the sandbox. That would be the simple explanation. Thanks for making me laugh. - - - Updated - - - It seems to me that KSP versions are a bit like buses. You wait for ages, then two come along at once. Not only that but I missed 1.0.3 completely. When did that happen? V4.6 will be Built against KSP 1.0.4 Correctly updates the completed experiments count when recovering vessels. Window hides itself in the main menus. And... DRUMROLL ...a close button! (Woo Hoo!) Get it: http://themoose.co.uk/ksp/x-science-v4.6.zip Or at: https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/808/%5Bx%5D%20Science! It will, no doubt, be on CKAN shortly
  12. Generally when things go wrong it's because you are out of RAM. Have a think about KSP crashes and other such signs of RAM use like missing textures. I have 8GB and I still run out of RAM. More particularly - What do you mean by not working? Is the list empty of science subjects? Does the window not appear? Do the buttons fail to respond? While you are at it please let me know that you are on the latest version of KSP. In your KSP directory there should be a file called KSP.log You could check it for the word Exception and also have a look for exactly this [x] Science!]: Make sure there is plenty of text in there. Have a good session, fly around a bit, click MechJeb and [x] Science! even if they don't work properly. Then completely exit from KSP and check the log file. If you want me to have a look then bung your KSP.log into DropBox (or similar) and PM me a link. I have both [x] Science! and MechJeb installed, although I rarely actually use MechJeb. I almost always do my own flying and I get my flight data from a rather obtuse combination of both VOID and KER. All the same just having both installed shouldn't cause problems in its self. Good luck! Let me know if I can be of more help.
  13. Hi, sorry to bug you but I'm getting some serious slowdown on my vessel while it is stopped on the runway. Log looks like this [LOG 19:47:18.151] -------------Saved Protractor Settings------------- [LOG 19:47:18.156] -------------Saved Protractor Settings------------- [LOG 19:47:18.161] -------------Saved Protractor Settings------------- [LOG 19:47:18.165] -------------Saved Protractor Settings------------- [LOG 19:47:18.463] -------------Saved Protractor Settings------------- [LOG 19:47:18.467] -------------Saved Protractor Settings------------- [LOG 19:47:18.472] -------------Saved Protractor Settings------------- [LOG 19:47:18.477] -------------Saved Protractor Settings------------- [LOG 19:47:18.521] -------------Saved Protractor Settings------------- [LOG 19:47:18.526] -------------Saved Protractor Settings------------- [LOG 19:47:18.531] -------------Saved Protractor Settings------------- But a hell of a lot more. Thousands and thousands of them. Starts as soon as I switch to the vessel and doesn't stop. I've tried save-exit-reload-switch back to vessel and Protractor is off again with the saving... Any ideas? Does it save to \GameData\Protractor\Plugins\PluginData\protractor\config.xml ? Because it is there, and writeable, looks fine. Also doesn't look like it has been modified recently so I guess that isn't where it is writing. EDIT: Using V2.5.1, got it from CKAN. With KSP1.0.2 on Windoze7/64 (Can't believe I forgot that) Here is a screenshot... http://themoose.co.uk/ksp/screenshot12.png [2.1MB] Let me know if I can help.
  14. Glad you like it. Most people come on here to say the window is too big.
  15. Didn't get a chance to do any more proper coding. Ripped out the debugging and called it a release. Figured if I didn't do it soon it will just sit there. V4.5 is Speed increase + Handles building upgrades in career mode. KSC baby biomes appear and disappear from the list as you upgrade buildings. Surface samples appear once the lab is upgraded. Before you ask, I expect it will hit CKAN once they get around to it. I have submitted it. Otherwise just get it here http://themoose.co.uk/ksp/x-science-v4.5.zip
  16. DMagic was kind enough to let me have a bit of code so I can tell if planets have been scanned with the M700 Surface Scanner. A scan is worth 10 science points. I may be able to add the scanner into [x] Science!
  17. I was hoping to add the "M700 Surface Scanner" into [x] Science! but it doesn't seem to be integrated with the rest of the science system. Does anyone know if there is any chance of the M700 getting a "ModuleScienceExperiment?" If there is then I'll just wait. Otherwise - on startup I'd need to be able to read a list of bodies that have been scanned. And during run-time I'd need an even I can hook to know that a scan has happened. Does anyone know where this stuff would be? I went though "GameEvents" and couldn't see anything. Maybe I'm just being dumb. The M700 appears in the UI like a science experiment but when you run it it is more like a contract reward. For example - you get 10 points for scanning Kerbin and 10 for Eeloo - no modifiers. Which is fine but as the M700 is in the science-parts-section I feel that [x] Science! should handle it.
  18. I'm hoping to have a new version out soon. So far I have made the following changes... On-board science is an indexed list for speed. Available science is an indexed list for speed. (On-board science is a list of science-containing-parts on launched vessels. Available science is CrewReports, EvaReports, SurfaceSamples + science parts purchased in the R+D Lab. I've optimised both lists for look-ups) [x] Science! is now blazingly fast and (fingers crossed) just doesn't slow down. Building upgrades, part purchases, science unlocking do a full science rescan. KSC baby-biomes will appear in the list correctly. Surface-Sample is correctly handled. [x] Science handles career mode correctly. Concerning EVA Reports EVA reports are always available. I think this is correct. With a not-upgraded AstroCenter Kerbals can only EVA on Kerbin. But they can still do EVA Reports. They can do EVA Reports anywhere. They just need to get there. So... EVA on Kerbin. Enter a cargo bay. Fly to Mun. Leave cargo bay. Do Eva Report Profit! I did put in code for suppressing EVA Reports for AstroCenter level 0 but I took it out 'cos EVA is limited to Kerbin but EVA Reports aren't. More stuff in next version Don't know what else will be in v4.5 but I may get around to... Window keeps getting wider as the scroll bar appears and disappears. Store window visibility for each scene Window remains visible in main-menu scene Total in top-left doesn't update after vehicle recovery No one has asked for it but I would like to have a "Lab Lander" mode. Science would be considered "complete" with a green bar - even if it hasn't been recovered to KSC. The top-left total and "hide completed" setting would act accordingly. The reason is that when I have a lab-lander containing loads of science I know I need to recover it. What I want from [x] Science is to find what is left to discover. That would be easier with all the 100%-researched stuff hidden. I'd like to add lab-lander mode as a setting, also a setting to look for science stored in debris.
  19. I haven't found any islands where you can get "landed at Kerbin's water" since 0.25. Let me know if you have found one, I'm always interested. I've always figured the right way is to make some sort of aircraft carrier. A plane with really big wings (to splash-down) and a separate VTOL craft (to land on it) would do the trick. There is a cheat-ish way of getting it. You splash-down a craft with 2 cockpits, then EVA one pilot, then switch back to the craft. KSP does't care which one is on top - they are both landed. The EVA'd pilot is "landed at Kerbin's water" but so is the entire craft. As long as they are in contact they are _BOTH_ "landed at Kerbin's water." By flipping between the two you can cover all science in one go. You can also (gently) crash two splashed-down craft into each other. They just need to be in contact to get "landed at Kerbin's water." "Field Research" is now in my GameData dir, I'll give it a go. I notice the "Field Research" OP has a link to "[x] Science!", thanks nightingale, have some reputation. I used CKAN to install "Field Research!" I also have KSP-AVC installed, which I like, but it just doesn't seem to be trendy any more does it? Oh, I have also changed the thread title. Hope you approve.
  20. I'm getting lock-ups when my craft can't transmit to Kerbin any more. My craft is relaying from 2 other craft and in contact with Kerbin. Like a Y shape of green lines. Then it loses contact. The lines change into a triangle that doesn't connect to Kerbin. It's a closed loop. 2 green lines and one red one. I have a screen shot. Windows has greyed it out but you can still see the triangle.
  21. If you want it fixed, you'll have to give me a bit more information. I would like a log file. Also try it with an otherwise stock installation. I'm guessing that it is having a fight with another mod. What else are you running?
  22. 'fraid not. Nice idea though. The UI may get a little complicated, it probably could do it though. I'd need to do a bit more caching of science containing parts, but it isn't beyond the realms of possibility. That would be a few versions away though. I want to speed it up a bit more and then fix the bugs.
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