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Everything posted by flightmanmicah

  1. Took the Crawler out for a spin as well as the separate wing version of the shuttle. Love the crawler, nice touch. Brakes weren't powerful enough to keep it in place though when the shuttles engines fired up. The shuttle fly like a dream on the way up, highly impressed with the stabilization this time around. I'm guessing the difference in aerodynamics helped a lot. Only one issue I saw was it flew TOO well. I am sure some people love the new flying capabilities and though it was fun to just glide around for a while, it needs a little more brick characteristics in my opinion. Not much but just a little. I did notice the change in the control surfaces ability to control the craft. It was hard to get it lined up on any certain trajectory while in atmosphere. But, I am sure it was the same in real life. All together, I love the new design! Even though it was a pain to put it all together. Some reason the craft files didn't work. :\
  2. Haha, that's great! Totally useful for possible tracked rovers. Also, Mike, did the magnet part of the arm ever get fixed? I know you got the arm working, as in motion, I just don't recall the magnet getting fixed.
  3. So, did the Arms ever get fixed, Mike? I know you're busy and all. Just curious.
  4. So, the CRAFT file is missing from the new download. Also, all the arm parts are gone as well. This may be just me but the STS decoupler, I couldn't hook the STS Boosters into them.
  5. Awesome Mike, I'll check it out and let you know if I see any issues.
  6. I should know C# considering my major is computers and information systems but sadly its not one of the languages we cover. Wish I could help you on that though.
  7. Whatever is best. By now, I trust you know what you are doing (even if you are still learning). You've been able to take this project on and make HUGE progress.
  8. Everything basic seemed to work great. Still waiting on that Canadarm fix. The one that the other guy did worked fine but wouldn't lock on to anything. - - - Updated - - - I'm not worried about screwing up something. I've done that plenty of times trying to mod on my own, haha. I don't mind trying it out.
  9. Awesome, I'll download it and check out the non-RO version.
  10. Those are the T-38s. Originally they were trainer jets. Now, they are still used and NASA uses them to fairy astronauts to and from Cape Canaveral (Well, used to when we still flew from Cape with people and hopefully will again with the Commercial Crew Service). In response to Felbourn tackling that problem, that'd be awesome. It is a cfg issue, not a model issue. The models look great and work great, used to at least. It is just with the new aerodynamics model.
  11. I know there is a SpaceX Mod put out by LazTech but he's fallen off the radar and it doesn't work in 1.0 + because of the new aerodynamics model. If that could be tackled, I'd lose my mind over it.
  12. I actually figured it out. It was because I was attaching it to the FSS base to have it rotate up. Now, having it attached to the CSS Crew Compartment, it works without clipping. I only wish the Canadarm actually worked right so I could maneuver the module out of the cargo bay without RCS.
  13. I'm not using the realism overhaul. I deleted the realism file and all. When I attached the Unity to the PMAs and it clips through the cargo doors. I can attach a screen shot if you want.
  14. So, with the new shuttle I noticed that the ISS modules are just slightly too big sometimes to fit in the bay. I attempted to resize them on my own but I failed because of all the node connections that have to be adjusted as well. If someone or Mike could do a quick fix with this I'd greatly appreciate it.
  15. So, any word on the new CanadaArm that was being built? The current one is all jacked up, at least mine is. It would be nice to have one preassembled or one that the parts attached easily together. BTW: Great work Mike, I am so glad to have a working shuttle again!
  16. Hello all! There are a lot of things that are going to have to be fixed with the new version of CSS. I've been playing around for a bit with 1.0 and there are quite a bit of changes, great changes no doubt, that will affect the aerodynamics of the CSS and other parts associated with it! Looking forward to the release nonetheless! Here is a link to me blowing up my first rocket launch attempt, lol. https://youtu.be/sLQORbHthbs Touch the Sky
  17. It is official, Kerbal Space Program 1.0 will be released on April 27th! The time has come for the Component Space Shuttle to come out of the VAB for testing, at least, a few weeks after the release of 1.0 so testing can be conducted. I am really looking forward to this upcoming release and know I have complete confidence in you guys, especially dragoon who has worked so hard on this. Touch the Sky
  18. They look awesome! I'm really excited about the new models and aerodynamic work that is being done! Keep up the good work and I hope to see it flying in my system not to long from now!
  19. Having done a bit of modding myself, it takes a lot of time, dedication, and hard work to make these wonderful mods. Though I would like to see the CSS as soon as possible and made more reliable and stable, I would rather it be the best it can be before they release the new version. With that being said, I will wait anxiously upon the new release, whenever that may be.
  20. Indeed, I saw all of that in the previous posts here. But, I am using stock so it is confusing me why it is doing it. With the patch, how many guys are working on it?
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