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  1. Well tried this TCA and its great! Its working. Thank you guys really much :-)
  2. Fuel is balanced under the ship by some pipes and for kerbin lift of i use only electric engines. I will try to add more SAS/RCS and RTG modules and see what will happen TAC fuel balancer is mod? will try to find it and use it. Thanks for help guys. :-) Also would be happy to see some good VTOL designs with honeybadger if someone has some.
  3. Hello guys. Sorry to bother you but i would like to ask a queston. How to properly build a stabile honeybadger VTOL? I tried it and was unsucsesfull. I think problem is balancing weight of command pod vs. weight of engines + engine cowling. Be using math i get that the best solution is to use engines from KW mod vesta VR-1 but it was too heavy. So i tried stock engine LV-909 but it was too light. Then i tried various combinations but without sucsess. BTW. using FAR mod. Pic of VTOL freighter:
  4. Hi guys. Sorry to bother you but i have quite difficulty to build VTOL badger. Problem is i think with command pod and back engines. I dont know witch engines i should use for it. At first i tried math (i took weight of command pod against weigh of four engines + honeybadger engine cowling) and as best solution came engines from KW mod - KW rocketry vesta-VS 1 but it was heavy. So i used stock engines lv-909 LFE but they were too easy. I also tried various combination of those both but without solution. BTW im using FAR. IMG of ship:
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