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Mad Rocket Scientist

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Everything posted by Mad Rocket Scientist

  1. Add a docking port so it can connect to my *Really awesome* transfer vehicle. EDIT: Either I'm blind or I got ninja'd by 25 min.
  2. Still a WIP: My Vostok replica is now working in stock, And the ejector seat is working! Boom! My capsule is supposed to do this
  3. UPDATE: My Vostok replica is now working in stock, And the ejector seat is working! Boom! My capsule is supposed to do this
  4. That looks very nice! Often just ordinary rockets don't get their deserved attention. +rep
  5. The hypetrain doesn't run on hype; it runs on Hypecoal and Hypeliquid.
  6. Sorry to bump this thread, but does anyone know whether one of these versions has the magic boulder?
  7. Isn't there a thread with all the free version of KSP? Do any of those have the magic boulder? If there is, I'm going to annoy it with KAS and the Klaw.
  8. Very nice! It looks like the perfect scale! +rep
  9. I think the name of this thread should be changed to: The official 1.0 hypetrain.
  10. Yeah, I've requested that people properly use BBcode, if fact, I even made a thread about it:http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/113844-The-great-forum-test-thread%21 P.S. #FAFAFA is the exact background color.
  11. Wooooo! New cursors! Hype! Bigger physics bubble! Lots of hype!
  12. Make the booster big enough to lift the warp drive.
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