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Mad Rocket Scientist

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Everything posted by Mad Rocket Scientist

  1. 9/10 It's a test for size, much better now!
  2. Everyone knows that the mk3 parts' joints are made of cardboard, and any solutions are kludgy: But there is a solution! Offsetting a mk3 part and then strutting it to the next part will allow for clean, strong mk3 connections: Enjoy!
  3. Behold! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/113309-Applied-mad-rocket-science-division-%28TAKING-REQUESTS%29?p=1826781&viewfull=1#post1826781
  4. 9/10 Makes much more sense now. Does this work on your screen?
  5. We all know the moderators, but have you considered that they are the only people keeping the forums clean and polite? That they tirelessly work to prevent duplicate threads for no pay? So the point of this thread is to thank the moderators for their tireless work. If you want to show your appreciation for our moderators, why not rep them the next time you see them helping the forums stay clean? Thanks, Mad Rocket Scientist
  6. 7/10 Nice, but a little bit confused.
  7. You can offset the mk3 part away from the part in front of it, then strut it to pieces and then offset it back.
  8. Engine Nacelle LFB KR-1x2 Launch Escape System Rockomax Brand Decoupler (Cause the separator is better) Octagonal Strut The Not-Rockomax Micronode TVR-1180C Mk1 Stack Tri-Coupler TVR-2160C Mk2 Stack Quad-Coupler TVR-200L Stack Bi-Adapter TVR-300L Stack Tri-Adapter TVR-400L Stack Quad-Adapter RoveMax Model XL3 Mobile Processing Lab MPL-LG-2
  9. I want it to change, I'll just empty it if I don't want xenon. EDIT: Changed my mind.
  10. HYPE! More Hype Boosters! What I'm hyped about in order: 1. Everything 2. Resources
  11. -15 Luckily, I now have the team 0 people on my side!
  12. Air! Amazing prediction! The object that you last glued together is now a pony. An angry pony.
  13. my tme wrp btton and qicksav btton dosen't wrk plz fx all of my rckts fall ovr wen I try too lnd it (Yes I know I'm taking this too far:D)
  14. There was a mod for loading only the mod you wanted to for each save, but I tried it and only got a bug where it wouldn't load. Good luck!
  15. my rockts im bilding keep on being "cancled' what is ths? plz fix platoon
  16. That. Is. Just. Incredibly. Amazing. +. Rep.
  17. Testing Vostok replicas makes for interesting explosions: Landing falcons, too:
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