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Mad Rocket Scientist

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Everything posted by Mad Rocket Scientist

  1. They're going to call it the 8-square.
  2. To spoiler hide, you take the item that you want to hide: This is spoiler text Then use and tags like this: [noparse] This is spoiler text [/noparse] Which gives this: This is spoiler text Feel free to test it out on my thread: The great forum test thread!
  3. Again, I want to say how great these forums and their moderators are, especially how everything is always fresh, you never see threads that should have been deleted long, long ago, or threads that rehash something that has been hashed already.
  4. I love trains too! Welcome aboard!
  5. 10/10 Useful, well designed, and supports the Round-8 movement.
  6. How am I going to win big with out a twitter account?!?
  7. I don't quite know what you mean by a modeling part, that's all stock if that's what you mean. P.S. I don't do any modding.
  8. A window. The only object you can beat legend of zelda with is now to your left.
  9. I'm trying to make a mod for realism, I'm going to call it KO for Kerbal Overhaul. It will let you launch from real places like the KSC and you can build real rockets without all of the extra delta-v you need for orbit on these incredibly un-dense planets!
  10. I like to build 2nd stages with it: - - - Updated - - - UPDATE:
  11. HYPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Save the round-8 fuel tank! (possibly the only thing I'm not hyped about.)
  12. 9/10 Funny, and a interesting link. Now it is vostok!
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