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Mad Rocket Scientist

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Everything posted by Mad Rocket Scientist

  1. I was thinking of this. Just a new kind of hype train.
  2. Oh my gosh! Is that a star wars falcon? (I'm not gonna spell that!) I brightened it a bit:
  3. Have you considered a hype 2-6-0? It's increased firebox could be useful for slow moving hypetrains with more passengers.
  4. Your imgur album doesn't seem to be working, but if the camera has changed angles, it's because you alt-tabbed away from ksp while it was loading the ksc screen, I've had this problem too.
  5. When you clip wheels just the right amount through a part, the suspension compresses without the collision box, the it works just like wheels, just without the models!
  6. - - - Updated - - - This is fun:
  7. Could you make a high quality render of this tank? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/116004-This-hover-tank-goes-to-11!?p=1846495#post1846495
  8. I saw that someone had rediscovered the wheel hover bug, and I thought that I might try it with the BIG wheels. Render by esinohio. It has a working turret, and it just keeps on going! The turret works like you expect, just stage (Check the staging first) and then q and e keys rotate. Enjoy! Download P.S. If anyone can make a proper skin/armor I would be eternally grateful! (at least, rep grateful)
  9. Very nice, as usual! Love the boosters. Have some rep!
  10. That is very impressive! +rep P.S. Have you considered using the coupla instead of the mk 1-2 pod?
  11. Banned for banning someone for winning a prize which you also won.
  12. This is an slightly enlarged version. Here's enlarged pic of a kerbal's jetpack.
  13. I'm going to build a tintin moon rocket with the fairings! HYPE!^HYPE!^10
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