You swim around for a while, and then you decide to jump in to the pool. As you jump in the pool, you see that your thunderbird style pool has retracted without warning, revealing TB1. You land on a pile of canvases which break your fall. When you wake up you realize this is a another plot of Attila's to seek revenge, for you are his mother and you had a part in naming him. Suddenly Attila appears with a spear, luckily, because he is figuring out some insane plot for this post, you have time to roll away from the spear and run towards TB4, where you jump in and jet off under the water. Suddenly, a torpedo zooms by your port bow, and you look behind you, where you see another submarine right you, about to launch another torpedo. You take evasive action and dive. The other submarine dives too, and you keep on diving, hoping to go deeper than the other submarine. You continue to dive, and when you reach the max depth of your submarine, the other submarine is still right behind you. In a risky gamble, you continue to dive. The other submarine is still right behind you, when your submarine implodes. Luckily, you were able to escape in the escape pod, mere moments before you would have been crushed. You escape pod floats to the surface, where you are picked up by a passing ship. Unfortunately, the ship is a pirate ship, and they force you to walk the plank. Seconds before you would have had to jump to the sharks below, the ship explodes, due to a torpedo from Attila's submarine. You are thrown clear by the blast, and land in the water, where you are invisible to radar and sonar because that the sharks mask you to the submarine. Just when it appears that you will eaten, you see that the sharks have cockpits, because they are shark shaped submarines. you are picked up in a shark submarine, where you discover that the submarines are driven by strange beings called "Kerbals" you say that they are aliens from a planet called "Kerbin" you explain your plight to them, and they agree to help you escape to Kerbin. You are transported back to the shore, where they put you, along with a crew of Kerbals, on a LEO shuttle, where you will get on a mothership back to Kerbin. As you lift off, you discover the reliability of kerbal rockets. Luckily, the LES worked, and you and the kerbals were blasted to safety. You realize that maybe escaping on a kerbal rocket isn't the way to evade Attila, so you bid the kerbals farewell, and stow aboard a oil tanker to get back to your house. When you get back, you discover a sign saying: I know you're still alive, Attila. Whew! I open a window.