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Everything posted by Cucumbor

  1. Sorry for hebrew below Ã’ þñщõü ÿрø ÿþÿытúõ òыÑÂтðòøть ûюñþõ þтрøцðтõûьýþõ øûø ÿþûþöøтõûьýþõ уÑÂúþрõýøõ ôòøóðтõûø ýðчøýðют рðñþтðть ýð üøýøüðûьýую üþщýþÑÂÑ‚ÑŒ ò ýõ÷ðòøÑÂøüþÑÂтø þт тõúущõóþ уÑÂúþрõýøÑÂ, ýðÿрøüõр, ÑÂтþю ýð üøýüуÑÂõ, òыñøрðю уÑÂúþрýøõ 9 ü\c, ôòøóðтõûø ñыÑÂтрþ ýðñøрðют ÑÂтþ ÷ýðчõýøõ, ð ÿþтþü ýðчøýðют ÿþÑÂтþÑÂýýþ рðñþтðть ýð üøýøüðûьýþù Ñ‚ÑÂóõ, ò ýõ÷ðòøÑÂøüþÑÂтø þт тõúущõóþ ÷ýðчõýøѠуÑÂúþрõýøÑÂ.
  2. It doesnt work on minmus - always throttle, regartless of vertical speed.
  3. i have this one, but it works as alternate toolbar, and cannot hide exicting buttons.
  4. Have some mods, so it is anoiying huge list at top bar, can i somehow hide some?
  5. just tusted this mod with my moon lander can with thrusters. It is awesome! Youre genius! áÿðüтñþ ÷ð þтûøчýыù üþô.
  6. Awesome mod! Thanks! Is it possible to track which data i do not reseach in mobile processing lab?
  7. Is there any mods, that helps to adjust manuevr node slowly and visible? Mechjeb wont help - i want to see target future periapsis-apoapsis.
  8. Am i right in thinking of data this way: i can use data 3 times and every time i will get science points: 1. Transmit data (will send part o science) 2. Recover data (will get data left of "Transmitted" data 3. Use science lab to analyze data in new way and transmit it. So totaly i can get about 130% od science (45% Transmit, 55% recover, 30% science lab). Is this work this way or am i wrong?
  9. I thought the same way - i was lack of science, but then i watched couple tutorials of Scott Manley (http://www.youtube.com/user/szyzyg) and my science life has totaly changed!
  10. Yes, estrange=decouple for me. English is not my native laguage. And i found another problem - is it possible to get another planet (Duna for example) without using mechjeb. I mean i was trying to do it in vanilla, but trajectory was not obvious, line end draws slightly after Kerbin, so how in this case should i adjust my trajectory? By random dragging maneuvr node?
  11. sure, but it cant estrange engines in this case (i mean 2 decouplers between engines could do this welll).
  12. I found a reason - i clicked on a whole module, not on a "hatch window".. (door with a cross)
  13. Looks solid. I have another question - how can i transfer kerbals betwenn ship and station while docking? Didnr found anything at forum.
  14. Thanks for reply. I mean i cant attach second grider. Like this: https://yadi.sk/i/ZNiLxieLfBPrP
  15. Hi! I am playieng for a week, but have some questions: 1. IS it possible to get back kerbals, wich orbiting in space (my fault )? Is it possible to recover and refund parts which orbiting in space? 2. Is it possible to attach 2 decoupler or girder seqment to both details (connect them)? My problem is when i connect via decoupler another engine to other i cant attach properly another decoupler to get stable rocker.
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