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Kerbol Macrosystems

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Everything posted by Kerbol Macrosystems

  1. I would like to point out that the youtube ID string when glanced over quickly reads way to closely to a 1337 spelling of Tsiolkovsky
  2. So you're basically playing Doctor Who with Jeb and a companion. Points if you can find a Kerbal named Rose, Martha, Donna, or any of the others.
  3. If you made it an asteroid you could intentionally make it glitchy/explody. You could put in a random integer that recalculates every so often. If it comes up 1, then the magic boulder moves 1m in a random direction at about the speed of light. The small but extremely quick motion will either blow things up or eject them from the Kerbol system. That way people could live out their magical bouldery fantasies, but at the cost of many ships/kerbals.
  4. Elon Musk's twitter is fantastic right now. He's posting every (Blank) did it first he can find.
  5. Nasa has studied this kind of stuff before. They're easier in KSP, because you don't get as bad with the weird interacting mach effects on booster seperation [URL]http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/19980231024.pdf[/URL] [URL]http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/20040084364.pdf[/URL] [IMG]http://lisar.larc.nasa.gov/IMAGES/SMALL/EL-1998-00050.jpeg[/IMG]
  6. http://www.economist.com/news/science-and-technology/21656637-coincidental-string-accidents-reminder-how-difficult-space-flight This article is titled Rapid Unplanned Disassembly
  7. The EVA report at the launch pad does say there's a green goo everywhere. Maybe that particular smoke is what happens when the goo vaporizes.
  8. Aerodynamics change above mach 1 in the aero model. In the old one it used the same equation above and below mach 1. I like the change as it's more realistic. My fix has been to throttle back as soon as I start to see mach slip streams appear. As altitude increases I throttle back up to 100%, trying to stay just below mach 1 the whole time. This way I don't have to deal with the sharp drag increase in the supersonic regime. Just stay transsonic or subsonic.
  9. Can you guys please animate this in the IVA? And if there's one scientist and one non scientist the scientist will shake his head in disappointment while the non-scientist keeps eating obliviously?
  10. A little bit of yaw might save us in a pinch, but I'm guessing we'll have to run things like the Mariner program and mount our probes on a heat shield.
  11. So 233K is equivalent to about -40 in F or C. It seems the unit conversion is close enough. Does this mean we need to use the Apollo style barbeque roll on our missions? The Apollo space craft used a 1 rev/hr to avoid getting hot spots on the craft from the sun. Will that work in KSP? If heat is automatically distributed to a whole part then probably not, but if parts can get hot spots then it's a viable heat management strategy.
  12. Haha dying. Be careful where you use this sentence. It's powerful enough to derail the hypetrain
  13. That would be an amazing, true to game mechanics, spike. It would be amazing if he took reduced damage to his helmet, since not even falls from space can crush it.
  14. -Turning engine up to 11 -Determining what this button does -Smuggling corned beef sandwich -Voiding Warranty -Ignoring safety sticker
  15. I just want to see a final smash where a bunch of kerbals run out, try to launch a rocket, then have it fall back to the ground in pieces, showering the stage with explosions.
  16. There's an open voting to put any character into the latest Super Smash Bros. They confirmed that non-Nintendo characters are open for the running. https://cp.nintendo.co.jp/us/ I want to see Jeb kick some ass!
  17. I just need to know what the new drag model is and I can convert my tool. That part shouldn't be too hard at all.
  18. Hey, how's it going? I'm joining for a little help on my calculations. I'm a chemical engineer by trade, so I immediately turned this into Spreadsheets: The Game! I found out that I could size a rocket at work in Excel and it looks just like work. I have one calculation tool that I'm working on for launch optimization, and need a little help with it. How do I post an attachment? I tried to jump right over to The Science Labs, but couldn't get something up over there. That's the last part of a mission planning suite I'm working on. Once it's polished up a bit I'm more than happy to share it with anyone.
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